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We have a NFS Hybrid Store Setup - We are planning for OS Upgrade for NFS Backup Hosted MA server ( Linux) - Please share the Migration plan &  Best practices. 

hello @OP Team 

The following section on Books Online goes over all different types of upgrades:
Please advise if it does not answer your questions and I can assist further.

Kind regards
Albert Williams

Thanks Albert,

Specific question is our linux MA hosting NFS hybrid store is RHEL7. 

We need to upgrade OS but during the upgrade it gave warning that non redhat package nfs-ganesha will be removed during OS upgrade process


As we know commvault uses NFS-Ganesha, we stopped OS upgrade process.

So question is how to perform OS upgrade on NFS hybrid filestore. If in place upgrade not possible, what is the best approach to migrate NFS hybridstore to new server without doing everything from scratch.

@Albert Williams  - Do we have any update on above query, We need this update asap ?? 

Hello @shailu89 

As you know NFS-Ganesha is not included in the base OS of RHEL7 so this is why you are getting the warning. 

Commvault will install it again once you reinstall Commvault so this should not be a show stopper for you. 
Kind regards

Albert Williams
