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Is anyone else seeing a “400 Bad request” error?

I created a ticket for it, but I am curious if anyone else have seen it too..

Hello @No special characters 
I have seen that error in past when the indexing SOLR was in use and not our new CVSOLR. 

The Datacube log will show the following: 


2023-11-15 16:32:29.821 ERROR (**************-132) 3 x:**********] o.a.s.h.RequestHandlerBase Encountered possible user defined error 2023-11-15 16:32:29.821 ERROR (qtp323326911-3101) 0 x:usermbx2] o.a.s.h.RequestHandlerBase Encountered possible user defined error 2023-11-15 16:32:29.821 ERROR (qtp323326911-132) 3 x:usermbx4] o.a.s.h.RequestHandlerBase org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.

The easiest way to tell the difference between the two version and what one you have is if you navigate to the index location you will see a number of folders. If the names of the folders are only “usermbx***” then you are on SOLR. if you have the UserMbx folders and folders that are UM_XXXXXXX then you are using CVSOLR. 

If you are on SOLR indexing then the following steps can be taken to upgrade: 

1. Build new index server

2. Create the new index server in Command Center under Manage > Infrastructure > Index Servers

3. Switch to the new index server on the configuration tab of the 0365 client. This will start an index reconstruction process.


Its not the best solution as you have to start again but it gest the job done. 

Please advise if you have any questions and I can assist. 

Kind regards

Albert Williams

@Albert Williams

I think I can confirm this.
From Datacube.log:

2024-06-04 08:27:28.329 ERROR (qtp2074185499-455320) [   x:usermbx0] o.a.s.h.RequestHandlerBase Encountered possible user defined error
2024-06-04 08:27:28.330 ERROR (qtp2074185499-455547)   x:usermbx6] o.a.s.h.RequestHandlerBase Encountered possible user defined error
2024-06-04 08:27:28.329 ERROR (qtp2074185499-455320) )   x:usermbx0] o.a.s.h.RequestHandlerBase org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.BaseHttpSolrClient$RemoteSolrException: Error from server at null: undefined field: "BACKUPDAY"
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.BaseHttpSolrClient$RemoteSolrException: Error from server at null: undefined field: "BACKUPDAY"

and I am not seeing any “UM...” folders.
So what you are saying is that I need to create a whole new index server? It’s not enough to do a “Reconfigure” - Example:


Do I need to keep the old index server up until the new one is ready - I mean does the new one need to “fetch” something from the old index server? The drives are pretty large on these VMs. So it would be best if I could simply delete the old ones, and free up space for the new one..

Hello @No special characters 

The new one will rebuild everything from the data at rest. Once the old one is removed and the new one has started rebuilding there is no use for the old one. 


A reconfigure will not fix this for you.


Kind regards

Albert Williams
