I updated my Commserve from 10.34.47 to 10.36.35 today but it’s now failing to update my Ransomware protected Linux Media Agent running on Rocky 9.4 (following this guide for the upgrade)
cvd.log show this:
* Machine : backupma:backupma (backupma) (Instance001) *
* IP Addrs : x.x.x.x *
* Module : cvd *
* Commserver : backupcs:backupcs *
* Version : 11.36.35 *
* Date : 2025/01/30 (-03 GMT-03:00) *
* OS Type : Linux 5.14.0-427.42.1.el9_4.x86_64 *
but Commserve is still showing:

logs for the update job:
Machine : backupcs
3File : JobManager.log
69980 2fdc 01/30 15:27:06 628661 Servant [---- IMMEDIATE AUTOMATIC PATCH UPDATE REQUEST ----]
79980 2b4c 01/30 15:27:07 628661 Scheduler Phase [1-Update] (0,0) started on [backupcs01.ceibal.local] in [0] second(s) - DistributeUpdates.exe -j 628661 -a 14579 -jt 628661:1:1:0:0:31167 -autoReboot 1
89980 1cbc 01/30 15:27:10 628661 Servant Reg [Control] received. Client [backupcs] plattype = 1. Token [628661:1:1:0:0:31167]
99980 2dc0 01/30 15:28:42 628661 Scheduler Set pending cause [Update Failed]::Client [backupcs] Application [DistributeSoftware] Message Id [1140850803] Error code [68:115] RCID [0] ReservationId [0]. Level [0] flags [0] id [0] overwrite [0] append [0] CustId[0].
109980 22c0 01/30 15:28:42 628661 Scheduler Job [Failed] message received from [BackupCS01.ceibal.local] Module [DistributeSoftware] Token [628661:1:1:0:0:31167] restartPhase [0]
119980 22c0 01/30 15:28:42 628661 JobSvr Obj Phase [1-Update] for Admin Job Failed and cannot be restarted.
129980 22c0 01/30 15:28:42 628661 Scheduler -> FAILED <- (WHOLE JOB) Completed JobType[Install Updates] CompletionStatus[Failed]
139980 22c0 01/30 15:28:42 628661 JMGUIReport2::sendJobCompleted Sent job completed message to GUI.
Machine : backupcs
19File : DistributeSoftware.log
10104 4688 01/30 15:28:42 628661 Clients Failed:
13110104 4688 01/30 15:28:42 628661 Client [892] [backupma3ceibal] [QUPDATE_FAILED]
13210104 4688 01/30 15:28:42 628661 *******************************************
13310104 4688 01/30 15:28:42 628661 bvSuccess = false, bvFailed = true, bvRestartNeeded = false, bvUnknown = false, bvOperationNotSupported = false, bvSkipped = false, bvPartialSuccess = false, bvMachineRebootRequired = false m_nvJobRetStatus = 1
13410104 4688 01/30 15:28:42 628661 Job Failed.
13510104 4688 01/30 15:28:42 628661 COMPLETE CALLED (JOB Status::FAIL), Job ID = 628661
13610104 4688 01/30 15:28:42 628661 [deleteLockFiles]() - Successfully deleted the lock file C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Deployment\SwCacheLocks\backupcs\SP36_6543279\linux-x8664\ReadLocks\P10104_J628661.lock
13710104 4688 01/30 15:28:42 628661 CvNetworkPool::~CvNetworkPool() - Controller thread successfully stopped.
Machine : backupma
1644File : install.log
9112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:31 628661 Retcode:0 and output:
1678NoneType: None
16799112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:31 628661 Services are running. Stopping services before running script /opt/commvault/MediaAgent/cvsecurity.py to reload cv policy
16809112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:31 628661 Stopping services
16819112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:43 628661 Registry item added : /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance001/RolesManager/nRolesProgressStatus=2030
16829112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:43 628661 Retcode:1 and output:
1683NoneType: None
16849112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:43 628661 Post install script failed for package(s) 1301
16859112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:43 628661 Failed function call in silent mode : handlePackageScripts
16869112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:43 628661 JOB_ID = 628661, errorCode = 1140850803
16879112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:43 628661 Starting services as user root
16889112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:45 628661 Registry item added : /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance001/RolesManager/nRolesProgressStatus=2060
16899112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:45 628661 Input XML:/opt/commvault/installer/job_628661_statusinput.xml output:/opt/commvault/installer/job_628661_statusoutput.xml
16909112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:45 628661 CS hostname : backupcs01.ceibal.local
16919112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:45 628661 Client backupma3ceibal is already registered to backupcs01.ceibal.local
16929112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:45 628661 Request: b'<CVInstallManager_ClientSetup Focus="Instance001" LocaleID="0" OEMID="1" Operationtype="31" RemoteClient="1" requestFlags="0" requestType="1" JobID="628661">\n\t<CommServeInfo>\n\t\t<CommserveHostInfo clientName="backupcs" hostName="backupcs01.ceibal.local" />\n\t</CommServeInfo>\n\t<clientComposition>\n\t\t<clientInfo>\n\t\t\t<client installDirectory="/opt/commvault" cvdPort="8400">\n\t\t\t\t<clientEntity clientName="backupma3ceibal" hostName="backupma3ceibal" GUID="******" />\n\t\t\t\t<jobResulsDir path="/opt/commvault/iDataAgent/jobResults" />\n\t\t\t\t<osInfo PlatformType="X64" SubType="Linux" Type="Unix" Version="glibc2.34">\n\t\t\t\t\t<OsDisplayInfo OSBuild="9.4" OSName="Rocky Linux" ProcessorType="x86_64" />\n\t\t\t\t</osInfo>\n\t\t\t\t<versionInfo GalaxyBuildNumber="BUILD80">\n\t\t\t\t\t<GalaxyRelease ReleaseString="11.0.0(BUILD80)" />\n\t\t\t\t</versionInfo>\n\t\t\t</client>\n\t\t\t<clientProps BinarySetID="18" CPUCount="14" IsVirtualClient="0" byteOrder="Little-Endian" logFilesLocation="/var/log/commvault/Log_Files" />\n\t\t</clientInfo>\n\t\t<clientError ErrorCode="1140850803" />\n\t\t<clientRoles bRemoteCache="0" bNetworkProxy="0" />\n\t</clientComposition>\n\t<organizationProperties authCode="" />\n</CVInstallManager_ClientSetup>'
16939112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:45 628661 Response: b'<CVInstallManager_ClientSetup Focus="Instance001" requestFlags="8192"><CommServeInfo><CommserveHostInfo GUID="******" _type_="3" clientName="backupcs" hostName="backupcs01.ceibal.local" /></CommServeInfo><clientComposition activateClient="1" packageDeliveryOption="0"><clientInfo><client clientPassword="******" cvdPort="8400" evmgrcPort="8402"><clientEntity GUID="******" _type_="3" clientId="892" clientName="backupma3ceibal" hostName="backupma3ceibal" /></client></clientInfo><clientError ErrorCode="0" /></clientComposition><SimError ErrorCode="0" /></CVInstallManager_ClientSetup>'
16949112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:45 628661 Successfully updated job status to CS
16959112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:45 628661 Registry item added : /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance001/RolesManager/nRolesProgressStatus=2070
16969112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:45 628661 Registry item added : /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance001/RolesManager/nRolesInstallExitCode=1140850803
16979112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:45 628661 Registry item updated : /opt/commvault/installer/Access/.properties
16989112 140610571112832 01/30 15:27:45 628661 Installation failed
1699NoneType: None