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About the Commserve commvault service account


I have a question about the commvault commserve service account. Which group is required to create and use an account that is used by default as an account that is part of the administrators group, but is not part of the administrators group, but is used for the commvault service?


Or do I need a local system account that belongs to the administrators group?


-windows group list-


3 replies



Please check the below DOC and let us know if you are looking the below info:

Configuring a Secure LDAP Gateway for an Active Directory

User name: A user account with a minimum of read access to the domain.



use the below DOC for the CV services

Service Accounts

For Service Accounts on non-clustered environments, use the domain administrator account or a gMSA (Group Managed Service Account). Alternatively, you can use the same Local System account for each service and enable auto-start for SQL services.


  • Author
  • Byte
  • 3 replies
  • August 28, 2023


Thank you for your answer.

But I didn't get the answer I wanted.

I'm on a server that serves as a commserve

I wonder if it's possible to use a local system account and another account that doesn't have administrator rights only for the Commvault services.





I have updated my previous comment with the another link as per your requirement. 


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