I am trying to make an install in decoupled mode on a linux machine,
I have created the custom package and installed the RPM.
then I ve used this command to register the client on commserve:
sudo /opt/commvault/Base/SIMCallWrapper -OpType 1000 -CSHost commserve.customer.com -clientname <vmclientname> -ClientHostName <vmClientHostName.customer.com> -authcode 123DGFJEJ -output /tmp/insatlcv.xml -restartServices
When I compare a manuel vs decoupled installation, here is what I have :
Manual Install
p General ]
Version = 11.22.13
Media Revision = 871
CommServe Host Name = cs01.customer.com
CommServe Client Name = commserve
Home Directory = /opt/commvault/Base
from a machine installed in decouple mode
o General ]
Version = 11.22.13
Media Revision = 871
CommServe Host Name = commserve.customer.com
CommServe Client Name = commserve
The client is registered correctly in the commserve but some things are different
do you know why I don’t have the same informations from the manual and decoupled install. maybe my command is not correct ?
commserve is the alias for dr failover. cs01.customer.com is the Commserve hostname.
Thanks !