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We have a subclient that is a Drobo Share, we are backing up as a file system.

This is effectively a Drobo share on a server we are backing up.

So I see the  error Cannot scan n\] but I am able to browse the share, however there is a failed drive on the Drobo device. Raid 1

My question is, will a failed drive on a Drobo device cause a Cannot scan n\] error ?





Thanks for the post!

What’s interesting is that it’s the scan failing, not the backup phase.

Few questions about the setup:

  • Is this the default subclient?  If not, how is the content defined?
  • If you are on the client itself as the user running the backup operation, can you browse the content that way?
  • What do you see in filescan.log?

If the share/drive is accessible, I would expect it to work (barring other details), though it is likely a matter of how the content is listed in the subclient and how it is accessed by the scan process itself.

Do you have a user defined with read\write access? The local user for the WinFS iDA won’t have access to another machine, so when you set the content to \\machine\share you need to set the user option as well.

Typically you’re looking for a domain admin with read\write access. Like if you wanted to copy files off or create new when looking at the share from the machine doing the backup. 

Usually you want a media agent doing that kind of backup as it can turn around and write directly to storage without pushing access the network to another media agent to do that.

To that point, was this working BEFORE the drive died or is this the initial setup run?


Question: Is this the default subclient?  If not, how is the content defined?
If you are on the client itself as the user running the backup operation, can you browse the content that way?

Question: If the share/drive is accessible, I would expect it to work (barring other details), though it is likely a matter of how the content is listed in the subclient and how it is accessed by the scan process itself.


Question: Do you have a user defined with read\write access? The local user for the WinFS iDA won’t have access to another machine, so when you set the content to \\machine\share you need to set the user option as well



Answer: It is a subclient, its defined by a share path, I am not able to browse from the Drobo device from the media agent

Our username and password for the Drobo access is defined in the credentials manager





Question: What do you see in filescan.log?


 Answer :0:19.544131 
8348  1b90  04/28 05:01:57 1794688 _enclosed_main(485) - 
8348  1b90  04/28 05:01:57 1794688 _enclosed_main(486) - 
8348  1b90  04/28 05:01:57 1794688 _enclosed_main(487) - 
8348  1b90  04/28 05:01:57 1794688 _enclosed_main(488) - ----------------------
8348  1b90  04/28 05:01:57 1794688 _enclosed_main(489) -  IFIND PROCESS ENDING
8348  1b90  04/28 05:01:57 1794688 _enclosed_main(490) - ======================
8348  1b90  04/28 05:01:57 1794688 _enclosed_main(491) - 
8348  1b90  04/28 05:01:57 1794688 _enclosed_main(492) - 
8348  1b90  04/28 05:01:57 1794688 _enclosed_main(493) - 
7248  2874  04/28 05:03:31 1787318 controlThread() - Quit flag set, operation 5 - waiting on semaphore 1787318:7248
7248  1c60  04/28 05:03:32 1787318 CTraverseFolder2::Traverse(191) - Traverse aborted, FoldersToTraverse=(1830]
7248  1c60  04/28 05:03:32 1787318 CTraverseFolderPrivate2::StopAllWorkers(170) - +++ Wait=1
7248  1c60  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CTraverseFolderPrivate2::StopAllWorkers(170) - --- 0:04.703323 Wait=1
7248  1c60  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CTraverseFolder2::~CTraverseFolder2(29) - +++ 
7248  1c60  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CTraverseFolderPrivate2::StopAllWorkers(170) - +++ Wait=1
7248  1c60  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CTraverseFolderPrivate2::StopAllWorkers(170) - --- 0:00.000298 Wait=1
7248  1c60  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CTraverseFolder2::~CTraverseFolder2(29) - --- 0:00.394024 
7248  1c60  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CTraverseFolderPrivate2::~CTraverseFolderPrivate2(125) - +++ 
7248  1c60  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CTraverseFolderPrivate2::~CTraverseFolderPrivate2(125) - --- 0:00.000204 
7248  1c60  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CTraverseScanEngine::ProcessWorkUnit(126) - --- 359:18.777850 
7248  1c60  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CTraverseScanEngine::Process(41) - --- 359:18.779194 
7248  1c60  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CBasicScannerWorkThread::TryScanner(299) - Operation was aborted
7248  1c60  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CBasicScannerWorkThread::Run(110) - --- 
7248  1408  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CWorkUnitManager::GetFinalStatus(445) - Workunit 0WorkUnit= 0x000002287F60DBD0], PhysicalMediaId=tUNC], LocalVolumeName=k\\10x.x.x\path\], LocalVolumeUniqueId=h\\10x.x.x\path\], SourceVolumeName=e\\10x.x.x\path\], ScanPaths=u1], Disposition=xFailed(TR=2147943395)]] of share 1\\10x.x.x\path\] is not processed.
7248  1408  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CWorkerBasic::ProcessPathsUsingFastFindFirst(559) - --- 359:19.116751 1 paths to process
7248  1408  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CWorkerBasic::ProcessScan(3912) - --- 
7248  1408  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CWorkerThread::RunSynchronous(70) - Worker thread failed, error=0x8007065B:{CWorkerBasic::Run(3892)} + {CWorkerBasic::ProcessScan(3928)} + {CWorkerBasic::TryScanners(4038)} + {CWorkerBasic::TryScanners_3(4088)} + {CWorkerBasic::ProcessPathsUsingFastFindFirst(602)/W32.1627.(Function failed during execution. (ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED.1627))}
7248  1408  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CWorkerGroup::Run(31) - --- 359:19.121836 
7248  1408  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CWorkerThread::RunStub(56) - Worker thread failed, error=0x8007065B:{CWorkerGroup::Run(40)} + {CWorkerThread::RunSynchronous(75)} + {CWorkerBasic::Run(3892)} + {CWorkerBasic::ProcessScan(3928)} + {CWorkerBasic::TryScanners(4038)} + {CWorkerBasic::TryScanners_3(4088)} + {CWorkerBasic::ProcessPathsUsingFastFindFirst(602)/W32.1627.(Function failed during execution. (ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED.1627))}
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CFind::ProcessScanContent(5595) - --- 359:25.147660 
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CFind::ProcessContent(5429) - --- 359:25.148848 
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CFind::ExecuteScan(5254) - --- 359:25.151117 
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CFind::ProcessJobDisposition(9375) - +++ Status=.1], FailJobFlag=40]
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 JOBRESULTSTABLE(C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\1787 removing copy 'C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\1787318'
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 CFind::ProcessJobDisposition(9433) - Closing collect file, CollectFileName=eC:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\iDataAgent\FileSystemAgent\2\4737\CollectInc.cvf]
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:37 1787318 BKP CALLED COMPLETE (PHASE Status::FAIL), 1787318. Token c1787318:4:3:0:32808]
7248  2874  04/28 05:03:39 1787318 CVJobCtrlLog::unregisterProcess(): non-existent file 4C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\JobControl\7.248]
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:39 1787318 CFind::ProcessJobDisposition(9375) - --- Status=e1], FailJobFlag=80]
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:39 1787318 CFind::ConfigureRunSequence(872) - JobDisposition handled, JobDisposition=>1], MessageId=00 0xFFFFFFFF], Item=8CFind::PerformScanOperation], error=0x80070306:{CFind::PerformScanOperation(5243)} + {CFind::ExecuteScan(5328)} + {CSimpleRunSequence::Run(104)/SequenceItem=6CFind::ProcessContent]} + {CFind::ProcessContent(5438)} + {CFind::ProcessContent_Scan(5554)} + {CFind::ProcessContent_DoScan(5563)} + {CFind::ProcessScanContent(5947)} + {CFind::ProcessThreadStatus(6018)/W32.774.(One or more errors occurred while processing the request. (ERROR_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED.774))-IFind Thread Wrapper Run returned error}
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:39 1787318 EvEvent::setMsgEventArguments() - MsgIdr0x00000000]: Catalog does not exist or Args table does not exist.
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 CFind::ProcessJobDisposition(9375) - +++ Status=r1], FailJobFlag=t0]
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 CFind::ProcessJobDisposition(9444) - JobDisposition has already been processed, ignoring this invocation
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 CFind::ProcessJobDisposition(9375) - --- Status=s1], FailJobFlag=s0]
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 CFind::Run(1062) - --- 362:58.082720 
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 _enclosed_main(479) - Run failed, error=0x80070306:{CFind::Run(1068)} + {CSimpleRunSequence::Run(104)/SequenceItem=0CFind::PerformScanOperation]} + {CFind::PerformScanOperation(5243)} + {CFind::ExecuteScan(5328)} + {CSimpleRunSequence::Run(104)/SequenceItem=nCFind::ProcessContent]} + {CFind::ProcessContent(5438)} + {CFind::ProcessContent_Scan(5554)} + {CFind::ProcessContent_DoScan(5563)} + {CFind::ProcessScanContent(5947)} + {CFind::ProcessThreadStatus(6018)/W32.774.(One or more errors occurred while processing the request. (ERROR_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED.774))-IFind Thread Wrapper Run returned error}
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 CWorkerBasic::CloseDirChangeFile(725) - Flushing and closing DirChange buffer, ThreadId=/0x1408]
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 CWorkerBasic::CloseCollectFile(754) - Closing Collect file, ThreadId=T0x1408], FileName=rC:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\iDataAgent\FileSystemAgent\2\4737\NumColInc1.tmp]
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 CBasicCollectFile::LogTimeCounters(92) - +++ 
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 CBasicCollectFile::LogTimeCounters(94) - AddFile: 0:00.148901, 3197 samples, 0:00.000046 average, 21470/second
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 CBasicCollectFile::LogTimeCounters(92) - --- 0:00.000860 
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 _enclosed_main(485) - 
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 _enclosed_main(486) - 
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 _enclosed_main(487) - 
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 _enclosed_main(488) - ----------------------
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 _enclosed_main(489) -  IFIND PROCESS ENDING
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 _enclosed_main(490) - ======================
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 _enclosed_main(491) - 
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 _enclosed_main(492) - 
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 _enclosed_main(493) - 
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 CPathCacheFlatFileIndexPrivate::~CPathCacheFlatFileIndexPrivate(97) - Total time taken to write to dirchange file : )0:07.842333, 599169 samples, 0:00.000013 average, 76401/second]
7248  2ee4  04/28 05:03:40 1787318 CVJobCtrlLog::unregisterProcess(): non-existent file iC:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\JobControl\7.248]




Question: To that point, was this working BEFORE the drive died or is this the initial setup run?

Answer: We have had the cannot scan error before and it just backed up a day or 2 after but I was not aware if there was a failed drive on the  Drobo device as another team manages that device.




Looking at the screenshots (appreciated!) I see you can browse the client, but can you explore beyond the local drives to the drubs device?  You’ll really need to remote into the client then unc path to the exact path (ip address and all). 

I can’t say for certain, but it looks like the browse is showing the locally mapped/attached drive letters (so we know connection to the client works), but the client likely can’t access the nas device. 

it looks like the downed drive is the issue, though I’m not familiar with its failover capabilities. 

Worked with the Commvault support team on this issue.

The solution was to temporarily backup “As User” and run a Full or in the this case a synthetic full.






Do you have a ticket number? I’m curious as to why you would only need to backup with ‘As User’ temporarily. Typically the local service on the client doesn’t have access rights to a share from anther machine.

I confirmed with the technician that since this is a UNC path the credentials are needed to access the share whenever the backup runs. The credentials are saved to be used, they only needed to be update if the password is changed or a different user needs to be configured. Should be good to go.
