Machine : <commserve>
File : AuxCopyMgr.log
22900 46dc 10/28 16:51:58 4124325 DBBase-SQL() - dbmethods.cpp:1519, DB Layer will use [Exec] access by default. Use SetAdminAccess API for on demand Admin access.
22900 46dc 10/28 16:51:59 4124325 Cvcl::init() - CVCL: Running in FIPS Mode
22900 46dc 10/28 16:51:59 4124325 DetectNativeClient() - Found reg key [SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLNCLI11]. Using driver [SQL Server Native Client 11.0].
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:00 4124325 Starting DDB Recon with Indexed restore
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:00 4124325 TaskInterfaceDB::getOptions() - Loading default options into memory
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:00 4124325 Init() - Initializing job control [token=4124325:1:1,cn=<commserve>], serverName [<CS fqdn>], ControlFlag [1], Job Id [4124325]
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 CVJobCtrlLog::registerProcess(): successfully created file [E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\JobControl\22.900]
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 AuxCopyManager::RestoreDDBStoreFiles Job option: DDB Reconstruction job in Restore Phase.
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 AuxCopyManager::RestoreDDBStoreFiles Job option: Source Dedup Store ID [7].
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 AuxCopyManager::RestoreDDBStoreFiles Job option: Full Reconstruction = [no].
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 AuxCopyManager::RestoreDDBStoreFiles Job option : Corrupted Substore Id [24].
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 isCCSDbEnabled() - Use CCSDb Enabled [0] IsCloudLaptop [0] IsFSCoreLaptop [0]
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 GetIsUsingNewDownload() - Use New Download key is set to [true]
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 AuxCopyManager::RestoreDDBStoreFiles Set Recovery mode for substore [24].
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 [4] Sub stores with [4] groups configured for engine [7]
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 SubstoRoutngInfo: EngId[7] (GrNo-SubStoId-SpltNo) 0-9-0 => 0-9-0 Clnt=[hq_media_svr4] Path=[D:\GDP_PROD_ARCHIVE] Status=[0]
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 SubstoRoutngInfo: EngId[7] (GrNo-SubStoId-SpltNo) 1-24-1 => 0-9-0 Clnt=[hq_media_svr4] Path=[D:\GDP_PROD_ARCHIVE] Status=[1]
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 SubstoRoutngInfo: EngId[7] (GrNo-SubStoId-SpltNo) 2-30-2 => 2-30-2 Clnt=[hq_media_svr4] Path=[D:\Dedupe_New\DDB_ARCHIVE5] Status=[0]
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 SubstoRoutngInfo: EngId[7] (GrNo-SubStoId-SpltNo) 3-31-3 => 3-31-3 Clnt=[hq_media_svr4] Path=[D:\Dedupe_New\SSD_GDP_ARCHIVE] Status=[0]
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 SubStore [24], Num [1] in recovery mode
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 Connect: Connecting to Engine [7], Group [1], Client [<MA name>], Host [<IP and port>], Recovery Mode [true]
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:03 4124325 Connected to Engine [7], Group [1], Socket [0x0000000000000548], Desc [<MA conenction details>(SIDB_<ddb name.) SIDB2.exe(16048:4514)], Address Family [IPv4], Local IP [], Local Port [59351], Peer IP [], Peer Port [49194]
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:03 4124325 Disabling nagle on ddb connection.
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:03 4124325 Socket buffer size [65536]
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:03 4124325 SetRecoveryPhase: Phase [1000] for Group [1] completed successfully.
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:03 4124325 AuxCopyManager::RestoreDDBStoreFiles Started a thread for restore DDB Substore ID [24], Store Id [7].
22900 6df0 10/28 16:52:03 4124325 RestoreDDBSubStore Going to restore DDB files for DDB Store [7], SubStore [24], Store Version [4].
22900 6df0 10/28 16:52:03 4124325 RestoreDDBSubStore No DDB Restore job is in progress for Store [7], Sub Store [24]
22900 6df0 10/28 16:52:04 4124325 RestoreDDBSubStore DDB Media Agent [hq_media_svr3] is at Release [0(BUILD80)], Build [0(BUILD80)], Service Pack []. Proceeding with reconstruction as it's not 9.0 SP3b.
22900 6df0 10/28 16:52:04 4124325 RestoreDDBSubStore Cannot delete corrupted DDB Store files for Store [7], SubStore [24], commCellId [2].
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:33 4124325 AuxCopyManager::RestoreDDBStoreFiles DB_RECOVERY_CREATE_PHASE will not be set for any substores.
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:33 4124325 AuxCopyManager::RestoreDDBStoreFiles Setting phase restart string to [-r SubStore_24;].
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:33 4124325 COMPLETE CALLED (PHASE Status::FAIL), Job ID = 4124325
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:34 4124325 [null] Stopping CVDAliveChecking
22900 46dc 10/28 16:52:34 4124325 CVJobCtrlLog::unregisterProcess(): successfully removed file [E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\JobControl\22.900]
Machine : <Commserve>
File : JobManager.log
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:44 4124325 Servant [---- SYSTEM INITIATED DEDUP DB RECONSTRUCTION REQUEST ----]. Task id [54115]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:44 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::setChunksToSyncDDB archGroupCopyId [14] srcSIDBStoreId [7]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 ################### DBBase-SQL() - dbcursors.cpp:311, Warning: Stored Procedure Procedure ArchChunkToSyncDDBInsert exceeded threshold time of 10, time taken: 13, Debug: [,4124325,14,7,1]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [1] : BytesToRead [175046023] FirstChunk [27654219]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [2] : BytesToRead [101976327] FirstChunk [27653543]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [3] : BytesToRead [7517034] FirstChunk [27655210]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [4] : BytesToRead [12243418942] FirstChunk [27665504]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [5] : BytesToRead [130243570] FirstChunk [27657332]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [6] : BytesToRead [176311311] FirstChunk [27654216]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [7] : BytesToRead [10693297] FirstChunk [27653544]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [8] : BytesToRead [47095380163] FirstChunk [27651467]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [9] : BytesToRead [114185337886] FirstChunk [27657325]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [10] : BytesToRead [3780658176] FirstChunk [27665508]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [11] : BytesToRead [22640240822] FirstChunk [27651466]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [12] : BytesToRead [4558493021] FirstChunk [27671300]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [13] : BytesToRead [439595101] FirstChunk [27672913]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [14] : BytesToRead [1449448671317] FirstChunk [27655206]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [15] : BytesToRead [24269545145] FirstChunk [27672727]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [16] : BytesToRead [1879513021] FirstChunk [27672818]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [17] : BytesToRead [8669668] FirstChunk [27657336]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [18] : BytesToRead [32444567452] FirstChunk [27651465]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [19] : BytesToRead [5669459203] FirstChunk [27658281]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [20] : BytesToRead [22679833909] FirstChunk [27651464]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [21] : BytesToRead [6663294441] FirstChunk [27659376]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [22] : BytesToRead [2693720446] FirstChunk [27672895]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [23] : BytesToRead [50539120] FirstChunk [27653549]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [24] : BytesToRead [3792345634] FirstChunk [27654860]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [25] : BytesToRead [287366346] FirstChunk [27655213]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [26] : BytesToRead [636756] FirstChunk [27655212]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [27] : BytesToRead [3341051] FirstChunk [27654869]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [28] : BytesToRead [353474] FirstChunk [27661540]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [29] : BytesToRead [2947917] FirstChunk [27654225]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [30] : BytesToRead [988091] FirstChunk [27654230]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [31] : BytesToRead [194752] FirstChunk [27654218]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [32] : BytesToRead [535759] FirstChunk [27655261]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [33] : BytesToRead [596165] FirstChunk [27655267]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [34] : BytesToRead [90115] FirstChunk [27655266]
5396 5458 10/28 16:51:57 4124325 AuxCopyReserve::getStreamsToSyncDDB Application Size, Source Copy [15] Stream [35] : BytesToRead [303286420] FirstChunk [27655273]
5396 61b0 10/28 16:51:58 4124325 Scheduler Phase [1-Restore] (0,0) started on [<CS hostname>] in [0] second(s) - auxCopyMgr.exe -j 4124325 -t 54115 -a 14 -jt 4124325:1:1 -restore
5396 4854 10/28 16:52:02 4124325 Servant Reg [Control] received. Client [<CS name>] plattype = 1. Token [4124325:1:1]
5396 68a8 10/28 16:52:34 4124325 Scheduler Set pending cause [Error restoring DDB Store files. Restore job(s) [] encountered one or more errors.]::Client [<MA>] Application [AuxCopyMgr] Message Id [218103953] RCID [0] ReservationId [0]. Level [0] flags [0] id [0] overwrite [1] append [0] CustId[0].
5396 4854 10/28 16:52:34 4124325 Scheduler Phase [Failed] message received from [<CS name>] Module [AuxCopyMgr] Token [4124325:1:1] restartPhase [0]
5396 4854 10/28 16:52:34 4124325 Scheduler Phase succeeded partially. Retrying the phase.
5396 4854 10/28 16:52:34 4124325 JobSvr Obj Phase [1-Restore] for job Failed and will be restarted.
5396 4854 10/28 16:52:34 4124325 ArchiveMgr JMArMgr::releaseAllJobStreams() Calling CvResourceManager::releaseJobStreams(jobType=26,appType=1000,logicalRelease=true)
Machine : <CS name>
File : MediaManager.log
6312 2730 10/28 16:52:36 4124325 Connect: Connecting to Engine [7], Group [1], Client [<MA name>], Host [<MA connection details>], Recovery Mode [true]
6312 2730 10/28 16:52:39 4124325 Connected to Engine [7], Group [1], Socket [0x00000000000020BC], Desc [<MA connection details>(SIDB_<DDB name>) SIDB2.exe(19504:20c)], Address Family [IPv4], Local IP [], Local Port [59464], Peer IP [], Peer Port [49194]
6312 2730 10/28 16:52:39 ####### Disabling nagle on ddb connection.
6312 2730 10/28 16:52:39 ####### Socket buffer size [65536]
6312 2730 10/28 16:52:39 4124325 ControlPruning: Group [1] returned code [53042]
6312 2730 10/28 16:52:39 4124325 IDXSIDB [ ] Failed to Notify SIDB StoreID [7] Recon jobId [4124325] is in state [2], Ret [53042][The DDB is not in valid state for this operation]
Machine : <CS name>
File : ResourceManager.log
5396 4854 10/28 16:52:34 4124325 Resource Releasing Stream Reader(s) for RCId [0]