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There is an issue with concrete folder on volume E. The folder is selected for backup, but restore browser is empty, no subfolder or files available for restore. Also  backup size is only 2kb , The folder is DFS replicated. Currently the folder   backuped  with symantec  BackupExec 2010 selected as shadow copy component:

\\SRV3\Shadow?Copy?Components\User?Data\Distributed File System Replication\DfsrReplicatedFolders\krt \*.* /SUBDIR;.

My co-worker told me, that  few years ago , the Symantec behavior was the same , if folder has been selected as usual folder. 

Thank you in advance!

I think this should give an answer →

See also this post:


Seems  complicated in case of full disaster recover of the server.  Any other way?

@Backup files corruption , you should be able to restore files en masse in a DR scenario, though if it’s from different jobs, you can try to restore/browse by file/timeframe.

What’s your concern?
