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HealthCheck Report issue

Hello Commvault Community,
My name is Kamil.


I need your help and a few words explaining the problem that happened. 


I have a schedule that executes a HealtCheck report. There wasn’t problem with it before, but it ended with a mistake twice. I analyzed the logs and there was only an error about connecting to the console. (sceen)

I would like to ask you to look at the problem and answer what could be the problem? Screenshots in the attachment.


Thank you for your help
Regards Kamil

Best answer by Juan Rosas

Hi Kamil,

We will need to check what is happening in Webconsole.log at that time, reporting service is telling us that timeout was reached, but the cause of the timeout is not clear.  

12812 3894  04/01 07:00:08 823631 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Generating report using web console []
12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 genReportsWebSchedule::downloadReportFile() - Download error message [0xEDD0001C:{CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::download(460)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::SendReqest(611)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::Execute(672)/CvCURL.28.0x1C-CURL perform failed.Curl ErrorCode : [28], Error Message : [Operation timed out after 1080000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received]}]

12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Failed to generate report using any web console.
12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - Failed to generate report for report type=[8012] task ID=[823631].
12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 EvReportMgr::disposeReport() - HealthCheck : Report Failed





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15 replies


Hi @Kamil 

Thank you for the question and welcome to the Community!

I don’t see any attachments or screenshots in the post, perhaps you add these?

Also, if you can find log messages in scheduledReport.log from the report generation time, that might help us narrow in on the issue.



  • Author
  • 143 replies
  • April 20, 2021

thank you for the quick reply.

I corrected the screenshots and sent them. The log snippet for the issue was uploaded from scheduledReport.log.


12812 30ec  04/01 07:00:08 823635 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - xmlStr [<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><TMMsg_JobOption><adminOpts><reportOption><commonOpt reportType="8012" emailType="2"><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><locale country="US" LCID="1033" displayString="English (United States)" language="en" locale="en-us" localeName="en" localeId="0"/><outputFormat outputType="1" isCompressed="0"/></commonOpt><webReportOption reportType="CustomReports" reportId="85" webconsoleClientId="2" filePrefix="Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2" webserverId="0" url="%2Freportsplus%2FreportViewer.jsp%3FreportId%3D85%26Details.filter.IsProtected%3DNo%26Details.hide%3DVirtualManager%252CDataSource%252CUsedSizeGB%252CGuestSizeGB%252CProvisionedSizeGB%26pageSize%3D-1%26exportType%3Dhtml%26viewportWidth%3D1600"><executiveSummaryOption headName="" commCellGroupList="" designation=""/><customDocumentOption guid=""/></webReportOption></reportOption></adminOpts></TMMsg_JobOption>]
12812 3894  04/01 07:00:08 823631 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - xmlStr [<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><TMMsg_JobOption><adminOpts><reportOption><commonOpt reportType="8012" emailType="2"><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><locale country="US" LCID="1033" displayString="English (United States)" language="en" locale="en-us" localeName="en" localeId="0"/><outputFormat outputType="6" isCompressed="0"/></commonOpt><webReportOption reportType="Survey" reportId="health.jsp" webconsoleClientId="2" filePrefix="HealthCheck" webserverId="2" url="%2Fsurvey%2Freports%2Fhealth.jsp%3Fseverity%3Dall%26grouping%3Dcategory%26pageSize%3D-1%26exportType%3Dpdf"><executiveSummaryOption headName="" commCellGroupList="" designation=""/><customDocumentOption guid=""/></webReportOption></reportOption></adminOpts></TMMsg_JobOption>]
12812 30ec  04/01 07:00:08 823635 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - generating Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2
12812 3894  04/01 07:00:08 823631 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - generating HealthCheck
12812 3894  04/01 07:00:08 823631 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Generating report using web console [].
12812 242c  04/01 07:00:08 823634 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - xmlStr [<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><TMMsg_JobOption><backupOpts backupLevel="2"><dataOpt autoCopy="0"/></backupOpts><adminOpts><contentIndexingOption subClientBasedAnalytics="0"/><reportOption><commonOpt dateFormat="mm/dd/yyyy" overrideDateTimeFormat="0" reportType="7705" summaryOnly="0" reportCustomName="" emailType="1" timeFormat="hh🇲🇲ss am/pm" onCS="0" clientOwners="0"><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><locale _type_="66" LCID="1033" displayString="English-UnitedStates" locale="en-us" localeName="en" localeId="0"/><outputFormat outputType="1" isNetworkDrive="0"/></commonOpt><eventreport groupBy="5" Jobid="0" includeEventDetails="1"><severityLevels minor="0" major="1" critical="1" information="0"/></eventreport><computerSelectionList includeAll="1"/><timeRangeOption _type_="54" TimeZoneID="21" type="13" toTime="86400"/></reportOption></adminOpts><restoreOptions><commonOptions syncRestore="0"/><fileOption/></restoreOptions><commonOpts jobDescription=""/></TMMsg_JobOption>]
12812 242c  04/01 07:00:08 823634 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - generating 
12812 30ec  04/01 07:00:08 823635 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Generating report using web console [].
12812 242c  04/01 07:00:08 823634 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - Failed to generate report for report type=[7705] task ID=[823634].
12812 242c  04/01 07:00:08 823634 EvReportMgr::disposeReport() - Event Report : No data was found for the selected criteria.
12812 242c  04/01 07:00:08 823634 mailRpt::getHeaderText() - Failed to open mountvol output file[(null)]. Err=[0]
12812 242c  04/01 07:00:08 823634 REPORT COMPLETED, Job ID = 823634
12812 30ec  04/01 07:00:42 823635 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Report Generation succeeded.
12812 30ec  04/01 07:00:42 823635 EvReportMgr::disposeReport() - Successfully generated report [ Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2 ]. Sending report URL [ E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\VirtualMachineInfrastructureReportV2-NoprotectedVMs_12524_823635_2021-04-01-07-00-08.html ]
12812 30ec  04/01 07:00:42 823635 genReportBase::getReportUrl() - Generating report using web console [].
12812 30ec  04/01 07:00:42 823635 genReportBase::getReportUrl() - Generating report using web console [].
12812 30ec  04/01 07:00:42 823635 mailRpt::sendMailThroughTemplateFeature() - Calling SendEmailTemplateMail with UserId [1] LocaleId [0] TokenXML:[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><Api_SendEmailTemplateMailRequest customWrapper="&lt;!doctype html>&lt;html>&lt;head>&lt;title>Message&lt;/title>&lt;/head>&lt;body>&lt;div style=&quot;width: auto; padding : 0; margin: 0 auto; border : 0; &quot;>&lt;table border=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot; style=&quot;color: #666; background: #ffffff; border : 0; &quot;>&lt;tbody>&lt;tr>&lt;td width=&quot;100 % &quot; valign=&quot;middle&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot; style=&quot;color: #666666; background: #ffffff; vertical - align: middle; font - size: 1em; line - height: 1.2em; text - align: left; font - family: Helvetica, Arial, sans - serif; &quot;>[CONTENT_EMAIL]&lt;/td>&lt;/tr>&lt;/tbody> &lt;/table>&lt;/div>&lt;/body>&lt;/html>" isReport="1" templateTypeId="14"><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_URL" value=";Details.filter.IsProtected=No&amp;Details.hide=VirtualManager,DataSource,UsedSizeGB,GuestSizeGB,ProvisionedSizeGB&amp;"/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_TITLE" value="Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2"/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_UNSUBSCRIBE" value=""/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_SCHEDULE_NAME" value="&lt;div style = &quot;margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px&quot;>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>Generated by schedule:  &lt;/font>&lt;font size =2 >&lt;a href = &quot;;style = &quot;color:#2f4e66;&quot;>No protected VMs&lt;/a>&lt;/font>&lt;/div>&lt;br>"/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_SUBJECT" value="Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2 - No protected VMs"/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><attachments attachmentName="VirtualMachineInfrastructureReportV2-NoprotectedVMs_2021-04-01-07-00-08.html" attachmentPath="E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\VirtualMachineInfrastructureReportV2-NoprotectedVMs_12524_823635_2021-04-01-07-00-08.html"/></Api_SendEmailTemplateMailRequest>]
12812 30ec  04/01 07:00:43 823635 mailRpt::sendMailThroughTemplateFeature() - Email template not found.
12812 30ec  04/01 07:00:43 823635 REPORT COMPLETED, Job ID = 823635
12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 genReportsWebSchedule::downloadReportFile() - Download error message [0xEDD0001C:{CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::download(460)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::SendReqest(611)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::Execute(672)/CvCURL.28.0x1C-CURL perform failed.Curl ErrorCode : [28], Error Message : [Operation timed out after 1080000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received]}]
12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Failed to generate report using any web console.
12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - Failed to generate report for report type=[8012] task ID=[823631].
12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 EvReportMgr::disposeReport() - HealthCheck : Report Failed
12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 genReportBase::getReportUrl() - Generating report using web console [].
12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 mailRpt::sendMailThroughTemplateFeature() - Calling SendEmailTemplateMail with UserId [1] LocaleId [0] TokenXML:[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><Api_SendEmailTemplateMailRequest customWrapper="&lt;!doctype html>&lt;html>&lt;head>&lt;title>Message&lt;/title>&lt;/head>&lt;body>&lt;div style=&quot;width: auto; padding : 0; margin: 0 auto; border : 0; &quot;>&lt;table border=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot; style=&quot;color: #666; background: #ffffff; border : 0; &quot;>&lt;tbody>&lt;tr>&lt;td width=&quot;100 % &quot; valign=&quot;middle&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot; style=&quot;color: #666666; background: #ffffff; vertical - align: middle; font - size: 1em; line - height: 1.2em; text - align: left; font - family: Helvetica, Arial, sans - serif; &quot;>[CONTENT_EMAIL]&lt;/td>&lt;/tr>&lt;/tbody> &lt;/table>&lt;/div>&lt;/body>&lt;/html>" isReport="1" templateTypeId="14"><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_URL" value=""/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_FAILURE_STRING" value="&lt;br>&lt;a href = &quot;;grouping=category&amp; &quot;style = &quot;color:#2f4e66; font-family:Tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-size: 24px;&quot;>HealthCheck&lt;/a>&lt;br>&lt;div style = &quot;margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px&quot;>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>Generated by schedule:  &lt;/font>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot;  >&lt;a href = &quot;;style = &quot;color:#2f4e66;&quot;>Health Report &lt;/a>&lt;/font>&lt;br>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>Status: &lt;/font>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot;  style=&quot;color:#fc0000;&quot; >Report Failed&lt;/font>&lt;br>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>Job ID: &lt;/font>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot;  > &lt;a href = &quot;; style=&quot;color:#2f4e66;&quot;>823631&lt;/a>&lt;/font>&lt;/div>"/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_UNSUBSCRIBE" value=""/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_SCHEDULE_NAME" value=""/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_SUBJECT" value="HealthCheck"/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><attachments attachmentName="E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\HealthCheck-HealthReport_14484_823631_2021-04-01-07-00-08.pdf" attachmentPath="E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\HealthCheck-HealthReport_14484_823631_2021-04-01-07-00-08.pdf"/></Api_SendEmailTemplateMailRequest>]
12812 3894  04/01 07:18:09 823631 mailRpt::sendMailThroughTemplateFeature() - Email template not found.
12812 3894  04/01 07:18:09 823631 REPORT COMPLETED, Job ID = 823631


Hi @Kamil 

Thanks for providing those extra details.

I can see an error in the log 

Curl ErrorCode : [28], Error Message : [Operation timed out after 1080000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received]

and then:

12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Failed to generate report using any web console.

12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 genReportBase::getReportUrl() - Generating report using web console [].

Is the Web Console server here the correct and expected server or has something changed in the environment? E.g. is the Commserve still able to communicate with the Web Console server on http:80?

We can use a setting to choose a particular Web Console for generating these scheduled reports if you need to:

Can I choose the Web Console used for scheduled reports?





  • Author
  • 143 replies
  • April 20, 2021

Nothing was modified in the environment at the time the problem occurred, as you can see before and after the problem, HealtCheck Report generates correctly. The problem happened twice and I am looking for the cause of the problem.



  • Vaulter
  • 17 replies
  • Answer
  • April 21, 2021

Hi Kamil,

We will need to check what is happening in Webconsole.log at that time, reporting service is telling us that timeout was reached, but the cause of the timeout is not clear.  

12812 3894  04/01 07:00:08 823631 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Generating report using web console []
12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 genReportsWebSchedule::downloadReportFile() - Download error message [0xEDD0001C:{CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::download(460)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::SendReqest(611)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::Execute(672)/CvCURL.28.0x1C-CURL perform failed.Curl ErrorCode : [28], Error Message : [Operation timed out after 1080000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received]}]

12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Failed to generate report using any web console.
12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - Failed to generate report for report type=[8012] task ID=[823631].
12812 3894  04/01 07:18:08 823631 EvReportMgr::disposeReport() - HealthCheck : Report Failed





  • Author
  • 143 replies
  • April 22, 2021

Thanks for the answer.

Log fragment that repeats from WebConsole.log


 5488 173 04/01 07:00:34 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 4  INFO  StatelessCookieFilter:?:? - Requestsssted path : /proxy
 5488 173 04/01 07:00:34 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 4  INFO  StatelessCookieFilter:?:? - exxclude urls : [/, /, /, /appstore/, /, /emailrecall/, /sandbox/make_request.jsp, /addAction, /, /addVisitor, /, /SAMLSingleLogout, /, /metrics/, /, /, /appstore/, /]
 5488 173 04/01 07:00:34 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 4  INFO  StatelessCookieFilter:?:? - landing remote url stateless : null
 5488 170 04/01 07:00:36 1  INFO  DataProcessor:?:? - Custom Reports Engine Service:
 5488 170 04/01 07:00:42 1  ERROR MainController:?:? - MainController failed to process target IncidentId is: p4qyr8pgz2gbzvpafbo. Exception is: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
 java.lang.NullPointerException: null

    at javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.Config.get(
    at commvault.web.core.CVCoreUtil.getLocalizedStringForBundle(
    at commvault.web.core.CVCoreUtil.getLocalizedStringFromDefaultBundle(
    at commvault.web.core.Util.getLocalizedStringFromDefaultBundle(
    at commvault.web.core.MainController.createServerErrorDetails(
    at commvault.web.core.MainController.processRequest(
    at commvault.web.core.MainController.doGet(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at commvault.web.reports.ReportsFilter.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at commvault.web.reports.ExportFilter.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
5488 170 04/01 07:00:42 1  INFO  ScheduleFilter:?:? - ### invalidating JSessionId:  SessionId: 8468922048DAC93AE8039AAE9FD57384
 5488 156 04/01 07:45:15 4  ERROR ExportHandler:?:? - Failed to run PhantomJS: 

5488 156 04/01 07:45:15 4  ERROR ExportHandler:?:? - Export failed. 
 java.lang.RuntimeException: phantom: Process Timed out after 45 minutes

5488 156 04/01 07:45:15 4  ERROR ExportHandler:?:? - 
 java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while exporting

5488 156 04/01 07:45:15 4  ERROR ExportHandler:?:? - Cleanup of temporary files failed
 java.lang.NullPointerException: null

5488 156 04/01 07:45:15 4  ERROR MainController:?:? - MainController failed to process target IncidentId is: p4r1jk9jz2ghzu1bcxa. Exception is: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
 java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while exporting

5488 156 04/01 07:45:15 4  WARN  ServerBroker:?:? - Invalid response returned: 401
 5488 156 04/01 07:45:15 4  ERROR ScheduleFilter:?:? - JOBID: 823631. Error while invalidating the token and session after running schedule UNAUTHORIZED_REQUEST


Hi @Kamil 

We’re getting into the territory of needing more logs and probably a staged Commserve DB to investigate this further, so at this point, I recommend you raise a support case.

Please PM me the case number and I will track and hopefully update this thread so the Community may benefit from the resolution.



Mike Struening

@Kamil , did you end up creating a case for this one?  If so, could you share the case number?  I’m not finding it.


  • Author
  • 143 replies
  • May 12, 2021

Hello Guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates on my part. The problem has stopped occurring at the moment, I will wait until Monday. If the problem starts to recur, it will create a ticket in Commvault support.


Mike Struening

Thanks for the update!!  Keep us posted.

  • Author
  • 143 replies
  • May 25, 2021



The problem has stopped occurring at the moment, perhaps one of the Hotfix versions has solved the problem. I left the case for observation, when something starts to happen I will let you know.



Mike Struening

Sounds good, thanks!

  • Author
  • 143 replies
  • June 8, 2021

Hello Community!


On June 3, an error occurred while generating the HealthCheck report. (screen 1-2). The problem was marked with error code 35:481 - the description is very general and does not indicate any particulars.

I have reviewed the logs initially, but I cannot determine what the problem may be. I am asking you for help in analyzing the problem.


scheduleReport.log  8404  3a9c  06/03 07:00:02 873727 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - xmlStr [<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><TMMsg_JobOption><adminOpts><reportOption><commonOpt reportType="8012" emailType="2"><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><locale country="US" LCID="1033" displayString="English (United States)" language="en" locale="en-us" localeName="en" localeId="0"/><outputFormat outputType="6" isCompressed="0"/></commonOpt><webReportOption reportType="Survey" reportId="health.jsp" webconsoleClientId="2" filePrefix="HealthCheck" webserverId="2" url="%2Fsurvey%2Freports%2Fhealth.jsp%3Fseverity%3Dall%26grouping%3Dcategory%26pageSize%3D-1%26exportType%3Dpdf"><executiveSummaryOption headName="" commCellGroupList="" designation=""/><customDocumentOption guid=""/></webReportOption></reportOption></adminOpts></TMMsg_JobOption>] 8404  4518  06/03 07:00:02 873728 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - xmlStr [<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><TMMsg_JobOption><backupOpts backupLevel="2"><dataOpt autoCopy="0"/></backupOpts><adminOpts><contentIndexingOption subClientBasedAnalytics="0"/><reportOption><commonOpt dateFormat="mm/dd/yyyy" overrideDateTimeFormat="0" reportType="7705" summaryOnly="0" reportCustomName="" emailType="1" timeFormat="hh🇲🇲ss am/pm" onCS="0" clientOwners="0"><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><locale _type_="66" LCID="1033" displayString="English-UnitedStates" locale="en-us" localeName="en" localeId="0"/><outputFormat outputType="1" isNetworkDrive="0"/></commonOpt><eventreport groupBy="5" Jobid="0" includeEventDetails="1"><severityLevels minor="0" major="1" critical="1" information="0"/></eventreport><computerSelectionList includeAll="1"/><timeRangeOption _type_="54" TimeZoneID="21" type="13" toTime="86400"/></reportOption></adminOpts><restoreOptions><commonOptions syncRestore="0"/><fileOption/></restoreOptions><commonOpts jobDescription=""/></TMMsg_JobOption>] 8404  3a9c  06/03 07:00:02 873727 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - generating HealthCheck 8404  4518  06/03 07:00:02 873728 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - generating  8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:02 873726 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - xmlStr [<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><TMMsg_JobOption><adminOpts><reportOption><commonOpt reportType="8012" emailType="2"><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><locale country="US" LCID="1033" displayString="English (United States)" language="en" locale="en-us" localeName="en" localeId="0"/><outputFormat outputType="1" isCompressed="0"/></commonOpt><webReportOption reportType="CustomReports" reportId="85" webconsoleClientId="2" filePrefix="Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2" webserverId="0" url="%2Freportsplus%2FreportViewer.jsp%3FreportId%3D85%26Details.filter.IsProtected%3DNo%26Details.hide%3DVirtualManager%252CDataSource%252CUsedSizeGB%252CGuestSizeGB%252CProvisionedSizeGB%26pageSize%3D-1%26exportType%3Dhtml%26viewportWidth%3D1600"><executiveSummaryOption headName="" commCellGroupList="" designation=""/><customDocumentOption guid=""/></webReportOption></reportOption></adminOpts></TMMsg_JobOption>] 8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:02 873726 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - generating Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2 8404  3a9c  06/03 07:00:02 873727 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Generating report using web console []. 8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:02 873726 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Generating report using web console []. 8404  4518  06/03 07:00:02 873728 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - Failed to generate report for report type=[7705] task ID=[873728]. 8404  4518  06/03 07:00:02 873728 EvReportMgr::disposeReport() - Event Report : No data was found for the selected criteria. 8404  4518  06/03 07:00:02 873728 mailRpt::getHeaderText() - Failed to open mountvol output file[(null)]. Err=[0] 8404  4518  06/03 07:00:02 873728 REPORT COMPLETED, Job ID = 873728 8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:34 873726 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Report Generation succeeded. 8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:34 873726 EvReportMgr::disposeReport() - Successfully generated report [ Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2 ]. Sending report URL [ E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\VirtualMachineInfrastructureReportV2-NoprotectedVMs_16284_873726_2021-06-03-07-00-02.html ] 8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:34 873726 genReportBase::getReportUrl() - Generating report using web console []. 8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:34 873726 genReportBase::getReportUrl() - Generating report using web console []. 8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:34 873726 mailRpt::sendMailThroughTemplateFeature() - Calling SendEmailTemplateMail with UserId [1] LocaleId [0] TokenXML:[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><Api_SendEmailTemplateMailRequest customWrapper="&lt;!doctype html>&lt;html>&lt;head>&lt;title>Message&lt;/title>&lt;/head>&lt;body>&lt;div style=&quot;width: auto; padding : 0; margin: 0 auto; border : 0; &quot;>&lt;table border=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot; style=&quot;color: #666; background: #ffffff; border : 0; &quot;>&lt;tbody>&lt;tr>&lt;td width=&quot;100 % &quot; valign=&quot;middle&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot; style=&quot;color: #666666; background: #ffffff; vertical - align: middle; font - size: 1em; line - height: 1.2em; text - align: left; font - family: Helvetica, Arial, sans - serif; &quot;>[CONTENT_EMAIL]&lt;/td>&lt;/tr>&lt;/tbody> &lt;/table>&lt;/div>&lt;/body>&lt;/html>" isReport="1" templateTypeId="14"><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_URL" value=";Details.filter.IsProtected=No&amp;Details.hide=VirtualManager,DataSource,UsedSizeGB,GuestSizeGB,ProvisionedSizeGB&amp;"/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_TITLE" value="Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2"/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_UNSUBSCRIBE" value=""/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_SCHEDULE_NAME" value="&lt;div style = &quot;margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px&quot;>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>Generated by schedule:  &lt;/font>&lt;font size =2 >&lt;a href = &quot;;style = &quot;color:#2f4e66;&quot;>No protected VMs&lt;/a>&lt;/font>&lt;/div>&lt;br>"/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_SUBJECT" value="Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2 - No protected VMs"/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><attachments attachmentName="VirtualMachineInfrastructureReportV2-NoprotectedVMs_2021-06-03-07-00-02.html" attachmentPath="E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\VirtualMachineInfrastructureReportV2-NoprotectedVMs_16284_873726_2021-06-03-07-00-02.html"/></Api_SendEmailTemplateMailRequest>] 8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:35 873726 mailRpt::sendMailThroughTemplateFeature() - Email template not found. 8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:36 873726 REPORT COMPLETED, Job ID = 873726 8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 genReportsWebSchedule::downloadReportFile() - Download error message [0xEDD0001C:{CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::download(460)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::SendReqest(611)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::Execute(672)/CvCURL.28.0x1C-CURL perform failed.Curl ErrorCode : [28], Error Message : [Operation timed out after 1080000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received]}] 8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Failed to generate report using any web console. 8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - Failed to generate report for report type=[8012] task ID=[873727]. 8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 EvReportMgr::disposeReport() - HealthCheck : Report Failed 8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 genReportBase::getReportUrl() - Generating report using web console []. 8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 mailRpt::sendMailThroughTemplateFeature() - Calling SendEmailTemplateMail with UserId [1] LocaleId [0] TokenXML:[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><Api_SendEmailTemplateMailRequest customWrapper="&lt;!doctype html>&lt;html>&lt;head>&lt;title>Message&lt;/title>&lt;/head>&lt;body>&lt;div style=&quot;width: auto; padding : 0; margin: 0 auto; border : 0; &quot;>&lt;table border=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot; style=&quot;color: #666; background: #ffffff; border : 0; &quot;>&lt;tbody>&lt;tr>&lt;td width=&quot;100 % &quot; valign=&quot;middle&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot; style=&quot;color: #666666; background: #ffffff; vertical - align: middle; font - size: 1em; line - height: 1.2em; text - align: left; font - family: Helvetica, Arial, sans - serif; &quot;>[CONTENT_EMAIL]&lt;/td>&lt;/tr>&lt;/tbody> &lt;/table>&lt;/div>&lt;/body>&lt;/html>" isReport="1" templateTypeId="14"><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_URL" value=""/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_FAILURE_STRING" value="&lt;br>&lt;a href = &quot;;grouping=category&amp; &quot;style = &quot;color:#2f4e66; font-family:Tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-size: 24px;&quot;>HealthCheck&lt;/a>&lt;br>&lt;div style = &quot;margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px&quot;>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>Generated by schedule:  &lt;/font>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot;  >&lt;a href = &quot;;style = &quot;color:#2f4e66;&quot;>Health Report &lt;/a>&lt;/font>&lt;br>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>Status: &lt;/font>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot;  style=&quot;color:#fc0000;&quot; >Report Failed&lt;/font>&lt;br>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>Job ID: &lt;/font>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot;  > &lt;a href = &quot;; style=&quot;color:#2f4e66;&quot;>873727&lt;/a>&lt;/font>&lt;/div>"/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_UNSUBSCRIBE" value=""/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_SCHEDULE_NAME" value=""/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_SUBJECT" value="HealthCheck"/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><attachments attachmentName="E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\HealthCheck-HealthReport_15004_873727_2021-06-03-07-00-02.pdf" attachmentPath="E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\HealthCheck-HealthReport_15004_873727_2021-06-03-07-00-02.pdf"/></Api_SendEmailTemplateMailRequest>] 8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:03 873727 mailRpt::sendMailThroughTemplateFeature() - Email template not found. 8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:03 873727 REPORT COMPLETED, Job ID = 873727 WebConsole.log  14852 76 06/03 07:05:41   INFO  ScheduleFilter:?:? - Schedule Request received  14852 76 06/03 07:05:42 4  INFO  SurveyUtils:?:? - Metrics Package was NOT installed.  14852 76 06/03 07:05:42 4  INFO  CustomReportsClientService:?:? - request url [], user [VB\xyz], method [get]  14852 76 06/03 07:05:49 4  INFO  CustomReportsClientService:?:? - request url [], user [VB\xyz], method [get]  14852 76 06/03 07:05:52 4  INFO  AppStoreClient:?:? - setProxyOnRequest  14852 76 06/03 07:05:52 4  ERROR XMLEncoder:?:? - Exception encoding XML: Trying to output second root, <util_ArrayList>  14852 76 06/03 07:05:53 4  ERROR AppStoreClient:?:? - Login error. Cloud token is null  14852 76 06/03 07:05:53 4  WARN  CVCoreUtil:?:? - Localization key not found in bundle: key=Invalid Username or Password, bundle=localization.CustomReportsMessages  java.lang.Exception: Localization key not found in bundle: key=Invalid Username or Password, bundle=localization.CustomReportsMessages


I did not find anything significant in ScheduledReportServices.log and WebServer.log.



Mike Struening

@Kamil , looks like there was a timeout, though you are correct that the error code is not very helpful:

8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 genReportsWebSchedule::downloadReportFile() - Download error message [0xEDD0001C:{CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::download(460)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::SendReqest(611)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::Execute(672)/CvCURL.28.0x1C-CURL perform failed.Curl ErrorCode : [28], Error Message : [Operation timed out after 1080000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received]}]

Let me get some eyeballs on this one.

  • Vaulter
  • 5 replies
  • June 8, 2021

@Kamil  - from the logs that you had attacked - it is showing that there was a timeout when it was generating this report, - It looks like it had taken over 18 min before timing out.

8404  3a9c  06/03 07:00:02 873727 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Generating report using web console [].

8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 genReportsWebSchedule::downloadReportFile() - Download error message [0xEDD0001C:{CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::download(460)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::SendReqest(611)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::Execute(672)/CvCURL.28.0x1C-CURL perform failed.Curl ErrorCode : [28], Error Message : [Operation timed out after 1080000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received]}]

8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Failed to generate report using any web console.

I would like to know if you can open a browser to or do you need to go to or does it get changed to https://.?

Also I have to assume that is your webserver.  

If the URL does get changed to uses https:// - you may try the steps in the following doc link: or if you have more then one webconsole.

If this does not work - I would suggest that you open a support case so that we can review the issue for you more in depth





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