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How to force jobs from a time period only onto a tape

  • 6 October 2023
  • 6 replies

Hello All. Thank you in advance for your assistance. 

For a selective tape copy I need a means to ‘guarantee/force’ only Fulls from a given month are written to a single tape. Is there a way to do this ?  I would be interested in knowing how to ‘guarantee/force’ only jobs from a given month onto a set of tapes as well. 


6 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +18

One of the Fulls from the 1 month, or All of the Fulls from the 1 month?

If it’s One of the Fulls, setup a “Yearly” copy and you can define a customer calendar to define which month you want to copy.

If it’s All of the Fulls for a specific month, that sounds like you have manual or custom work ahead of you to define the jobs to copy.


Userlevel 1
Badge +6

Hi Scott. The requirement is that only the Fulls from the given time period (month) are written to a given SET of tapes; it doesn’t have to be just 1 tape. The selective copy is configured to pick the last full backup of the time period and to wait for the given time period to finish before picking the jobs for the copy.  

    Is there a way to ‘guarantee’ that only the last fulls from a given month are written to a SET of tapes (customer has too much data for it to be 1 tape) ? 

What is happening is that when tape aux copies fall behind, there ends up being fulls from multiple months written to the same tapes. 



Userlevel 6
Badge +18


What is happening is that when tape aux copies fall behind, there ends up being fulls from multiple months written to the same tapes. 

Is the Selective Copy setup for Yearly Fulls?


Userlevel 1
Badge +6

No the tape copy in question is set for monthy fulls. The problem is that Fulls from multiple months end up getting written to the same tapes. Need a way to guarantee only fulls from a given month are written to the tapes. 


Userlevel 6
Badge +18

OK, I was misunderstanding the request.  You want each month on new media.

On the Aux Copy Schedule Policy, you could consider using one of these options?

I believe I have used “Start New Media” in the past to force a copy to use new tapes.


Userlevel 1
Badge +6

This worked. Thanks Scott. 
