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we currently have a customer running HyperScale 1.5 Reference Architecture on SuperMicro hardware.


They report that the OS disks are currently configured in RAID0. (details are already requested) They found out the hard way, and would like to change it to RAID1.


  1. Can anyone tell me what the (default) config options for the OS disks are? Hardware RAID, Software RAID, RAID1, RAID0?
  2. And also, what options would we have if we would like to reconfigure that to RAID1? Would it require a reinstall (I believe we can keep the Storage Pool data)? Or can we manually reconfigure to (software) RAID1, and is that supported?


Thanks in advance!

Hello @Patrick Dijkgraaf ,


RAID 1 is the recommended for the OS/Boot disks:


With Hyperscale 1.5 you can boot the node from the ISO, it should detect the Hyperscale Configuration. You can then use the “Preserve Drives” option and re-image the node.

For details on recovering a node:

For details on re-imaging a node:


Best Regards,


Hi @MichaelCapon 

Thanks for the quick response!

Figures that RAID1 is recommended. Should we configure the RAID1 at the hardware level (in an Array Controller) or should we let the installer create a Software RAID1?

Having trouble in understanding the difference between recovering/re-imaging the nodes. When should we choose which?

Thanks again!

Hi @Patrick Dijkgraaf ,


Whenever I deployed nodes in the field, I always configured HW level RAID on the servers.

Since the Design Spec for SuperMicro includes the RAID Controller (3108 AOC), I would assume the RAID would be configured at HW level.


Essentially recovery/re-imaging are almost identical, Both links cover the steps to boot from the ISO and re-install the Hyperscale OS whilst preserving the configuration. Some of the post steps are slightly different.

Since this is Ref Arch, I would suggest to follow the Node Recovery document here:


Best Regards,


Hmm, The customer’s hardware was purchased in 2018 and is based on a 6028R server. I don’t see any RAID controller in this configuration. Was this ever a validated hardware configuration for HyperScale Reference Architecture?



Hi @Patrick Dijkgraaf 

I’ve checked our Partner Site and Documentation materials, All are showing the 6029P is the validated Hardware, Code: “6029P-E1CR24L”. - All docs also specify the AOC RAID Controller.


Best Regards,


@Patrick Dijkgraaf found this document


Your model number differs 6028R-E1CR24N (validated) vs 6028R-E1CR24L (yours). The difference is that the L version is missing SAS3 hardware RAID. So I guess this configuration doesn't fit the validated design. = RAID = no RAID



Thanks @Onno van den Berg !

Will “discuss” with the sales guys who sold these units… ;-)

@Onno van den Berg to the rescue! 

@Patrick Dijkgraaf , I marked this as answered, though feel free to add more activity (or tell me to unmark it)!

Hi guys! Thanks for the answers so far.


SuperMicro suggests adding an AOC-S3008L-L8I to the system which supports RAID, and attaching the OS drives to it.


I suppose it will work, but can someone from CV confirm that this is also “supported” from CV’s end?

Hi! Any Vaulter here able to confirm support for the solution suggested by SuperMicro? 

Hey @Patrick Dijkgraaf , let me pass this up the chain and see if I can get a thumbs up for you!

Hi Patrick,

the validated N24 on SuperMicro for HyperScale 1.5 is as follows:


From mirroring of OS disks perspective, the last line item points to the hardware RAID controller needed. Regarding your other question about rebuilding while retaining the data, HyperScale has the “preserve” option during re-imagining which will allow to retain data after creating the RAID-1 volume. Please note that this needs to be done during a maintenance window, preferably when backups are stopped and with Supports involvement.

Thanks, checking with SuperMicro if that SKU can be added to teh configuration.
