Any smart ideas on how an MSP could delegate Plan choice on a per VM / DB / FS / etc.. level? E.g. have customer choose the right Bronze/Silver/Gold plan for VM’s, databases, etc.
Command center obviously has the functionality to assign plans, but… it involves dealing with creating individual subclients first etc, since that today is where you can apply a plan to.
In my situation, the IAAS infrastructure is shared, and data is organized into subclients from an infrastructure point of view (datastore, cluster, resource pools, etc). This infrastructure is shared across different customres.
Customers don’t have access to the hypervisor/subclients on CommVault for obvious reasons.
Creating subclients per VM (by the MSP), just so that you could assign an individual plan to is obviously not the right way to go. (scalability, performance, scheduling, burden/overhead on the clients & infra).
Looking forward to any suggestions anyone might have in this area.
I’m waiting for the day when an IAAS customer would just be able to change a plan to a specific VM/DB/FS - through Command Center - without having the knowledge or need to deal with subclients… like with some other competing products in the market.
Kind regards,