As Sebatien noted, you can contact your Account Team to raise what’s called a CCR. This is a request send to Development to look into having the functionality built into our software. There would be no timeline on when it would be implemented if determined it would be possible to implement, but Development can look into it.
Well I think this draws back to your use-case. The container technology was born in the cloud and data persistency has always been a difficult/complex beast to tackle. Now adding CDR/replication from within a container is something that for example in the public is taken care of by the underlying storage like EFS. It is not for nothing that Portworx also addresses this functionality in the backend and not from within the container as you are also limited with the reach from within the container. Did you find other solution who deliver CDR from a container perspective?
HI @Onno van den Berg, we are focusing more on application aware backup or application aware replication. other tools are providing the solution K8s CDR or alternate option like post or Pre script [provided by backup vendor] which make job easy to bring the application at DR.
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