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We are currently running several M365 clients over a resourcepool using a number of access nodes.

Is there a way to limit the max amount of streams for a single access node to ensure its not overloaded?


100 M365 clients with 10 streams generate up to 1000 streams when run simultanously. However I would like them to be limited to no more than 50 streams per access node., so with 4 access nodes they would never use more than 200 streams in total.

I’d rather scale with more access nodes as needed rather than try juggle the correct number of streams on all clients.

Currently on Commvault 11.28

Hi @John Robert 

Thanks for reaching out.

If the Proxies are not used for other workloads, you can configure the max number of parallel Data Transfers to 50. This will limit the number of streams coming out of the MediaAgent/Proxy.



Hi @Emils 

The mediaagent software is not installed on the Proxies themself, only storage accelerator/office 365 package. I have however set a number of parallell transfers on the mediaagent the proxies share, but this does not stop one proxy to be overloaded with too many concurrent streams. The number of streams are honored by the clients, as they are not allowed to spawn more streams than the mediaagents has available.

I’ve tested with the maximum number of parallell data transfer options under the client/job configuration on the proxy computer itself, but this setting does not seem to honoured by the jobs for the cloud agents (mailbox/onedrive/sharepoint/teams). I tested this in a test environment and set the number of streams to 2. And started 4 clients with 10 streams each. Each job then spawned 10 streams.

Hi @John Robert 

I regret to inform you that there is no particular setting or option available to accomplish this task.

I have observed that you have already opened a support case regarding this matter, and the support team is currently exploring potential solutions.

Rest assured, I will keep a close eye on the case and provide you with updates once a resolution is confirmed.


@Emils Thanks for following up. 
I created a supportcase as well, as I belive this could be interesting to see as a change request if there is no existing functionality that can resolve this. 

Hi @John Robert 

I can confirm a Maintenance Request has been created to implement this feature. You can view this on you cloud dashboard under the modification request tile
