Migration 1 SQL Server for new SQL server by commvault
the cliente need to migrate MS SQL Server database for the new server by Continuous Data Replicator.
Someone already made this procedure and can help me?
I install SQL Server in 2 servers and add to Commcell.
Current version of Commvault: 11 SP 13+
**Do i need to upgrade Commvault before migrating?
Current version of SQL: 2012
And the cliente is asking to me what the best version will migrate? 2019 standard or enterprise?
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The question: Do i need more SQLlicenses to migrate SQL Servers?
Hi Fernando,
you should always upgrade Commvault to a recent/supported version. The latest release has improvements for CDR.
What do you mean about the license from Commvault perspective? Its part of Commvault Complete. So it depends what licenses you currently own
Hello @M Scheepers
Regarding to upgrade Commvault Current version of Commvault: 11 SP 13+
i will need to update before migrating SQL.
But the license i would like to know if need to acquire new licenses before migrate the SQL servers.
hi @Fernando Souza,
what do you want to achieve?
Is the SQL of the Commserve needs to be migrated/upgraded or a other client in the environment?
the need of SQL standard or SQL Enterprise is depending on the functionality needs.
@M Scheepers Ok, i understand, but need more add more license for add this new client to migrfate the SQL Server? or for example: there are a limitationsof the connections concurrents for backups or whatever.
is there any limitation between SQL Standard and the entrerprise Version for Commvault?
Because the customer need to purchase the license and have this doubt.
is there a doc (website) explain about this type of license (SQL)?
@Fernando Souza for Commvault functionality it doesn’t matter, Enterprise is only needed if you want use other SQL functionalities what isn’t available with SQL standard.
I would expect if you have capacity licensing and room to space, then you should be just fine.
Hello @Mike Struening
I don´t think i need to acquire new licenses, but can you help me? *If i need new licenses.
The license:
Thanks @Fernando Souza !!
I reread your posts and it sounds like you already added both SQL servers needed….is that right?
You have 3 Application class 1 licenses and all 3 are in use (I’m assuming these are physical servers, not vms) so I think you’re ok.
If you STILL need to install this SQL server, and have 3 other servers installed using the 3 availablethen you are out of licenses (only your account rep can get you more).
You also have Commvault Complete for Virtual Machines (for 10 vms) and don’t seem to be using any right now, so that’s an option, potentially.
@Fernando Souza have you had a chance to confirm the above? Did you already install the SQL iDAs or do you need to install another one?
It is not very clear the original question.
do you want to perform a hardware refresh of the CommServe in order to have a more updated version of SQL? Follow procedure described in our documentation.
You want to restore a SQL database from server 1 with SQL2012 (source) to server 2 with SQL in higher version (destination). Perform an out of place restore with SQL agent or if you don’t have enough license, create a dump and restore it in destination outside of CommVault. Why do you need CDR here?
Hello @Ledoesp
The customer wants MS SQL Server 2012 to migrate from a new server by CDR Commvault.
Questions: 1) Do I need an SQL license to add the MS SQL server (new)? (I think no) 2) Are you recommending using an area to do the out of place and restore by MS SQL, without needing to use commvault? 3) the client will update the version before and then migrate the MS SQL database by commvault.
Fernando, you are mentioning CDR (ContinousData Replicator) but then you refer to SQL agent.
1) Do I need an SQL license for the new MS SQL server?
If you mean a Microsoft license, yes you need one.
If you need a CommVault SQL agent license, yes you need as you have already used 3 Application Class 1 licenses of a total of 3. The good thing is that you can install in restore mode the SQL agent on the new server, once restored is completed, you can release license from the old SQL server and then activate the license on the new server and enable its scheduling.
2) If you don’t have enough licenses for our SQL agent, you can do dumps to disk in your maintenance plans and use FS or VSA agent to collect them. You can use this for performing the migration. There are more than 1 way to achieve an outcome in life. (it sounds a bit philosophical). I am afraid using CDR is not the right approach, not even when there is unlimited CDR licenses in this CommCell.
3) Updating from v11 SP13 to a more recent and supported version of CommVault it is good start.
Hello @Ledoesp
i made a test, the DBA create a SQL database for a one server and i replicate by CDR
Server: publico01
Server: publico02 (Replication Server)
The Database was create in c:\SQL2014
and i replicated in another server c:\public01\...\SQL2014
One question: The CDR just copy the file systems or can create a database in MS SQL and other things more?
@Fernando Souza are you replicating the flat files?
why not set up a Live Sync and do it all within SQL?
I think this is what you are asking at the end there
Hello @Mike Struening
I uninstalled and installed the Commvault agent, because I was not looking at the SQL Database.and the link sent says it must have at least 1 sql live sync backup done.
Then i installed the agent again:
So, dind´t find the SQL Database:
Can you help me?
I think need to update:
What do you think?
Can you confirm that there is at least one full backup to seed the sync?