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Hi Team,


We took a hot backup of our MySQL DBs with the Percona XtraBackup utility in the document below. We will perform restore tests, can we return any DB under MySQL Instance that we want to learn? Or is all Full Instance restore the only option?


Best Regards.

If I understand correctly, you want to run restore of single database.

It depends on which mode of backup you run. If you run XtraBackup full instance backup, it’s only the entire instance that can be restored.


If you run with full instance backup, you will be able to restore at database level. We backup individual databases separately and the schema of the Database.




Hello  Sunil,

Yes, wewant to run restore of single database with XtraBackup if it is possible. is the following config enough for XtraBackup? There is an option on subcleint properties “Full instance Xtrabackup” do we have to choose it for Xtrabackup


Hi @ETO 

This is enough. You don’t need to select Full instance XtraBackup at subclient level if you want the ability to restore single database.



