@Gowri Shankar any advice on this?
Hey @neuwiesener ! Gowri is out today, so I’m looking into this for you.
@neuwiesener , do you mind sharing the exact RMAN log error for your job(s)?
Good day @neuwiesener,
New oracle iDA install on windows needs a reboot. If the server is not rebooted after the agent is installed then plan for a downtime and reboot the server.
For oracle 12c or above following the steps recommended in documentation https://documentation.commvault.com/commvault/v11/article?p=20309.htm
After the above steps are performed verify the oracle status from Commvault console, from Commvault console navigate to the oracle machine expand the client expand oracle agent right click the oracle instance and click on properties. Click on the refresh button and make sure the database status is shown as open.
Verify the connect string in the details tab. You can either use local connect “/” or use a full connect string using a oracle user which has either sysdba or sysbackup privileges.
Share the rman log if the issue still persists.
@Gowri Shankar Thanks a lot. Will try these steps and let you know.
This is the log. Not yet tried Gowris steps: @Mike Struening
c:\Schedule\CVTest\CommvaultScripts\TEST>rman target=sys/cvtest@cvtest msgno cmdfile='rmanparams.txt'
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Di Mrz 9 11:38:09 2021
Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
RMAN-06005: Mit Zieldatenbank verbunden: CVTEST (DBID=2589047670)
RMAN> run {
2> allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape';
3> allocate channel ch2 type 'sbt_tape';
4> allocate channel ch3 type 'sbt_tape';
5> allocate channel ch4 type 'sbt_tape';
6> setlimit channel ch1 maxopenfiles 8;
7> setlimit channel ch2 maxopenfiles 8;
8> setlimit channel ch3 maxopenfiles 8;
9> setlimit channel ch4 maxopenfiles 8;
10> backup incremental level = 0
11> filesperset = 4 format '%d_%U_%t'
12> database include current controlfile;
13> }
RMAN-06009: Kontrolldatei der Zieldatenbank wird anstelle des Recovery-Katalogs verwendet
RMAN-08030: Zugewiesener Kanal: ch1
RMAN-08500: Kanal ch1: SID=270, Gerõtetyp=SBT_TAPE
RMAN-08526: Kanal ch1: CommVault Systems for Oracle: Version 11.0.0(BUILD80)
RMAN-06908: Warnung: Vorgang wird nicht parallel in den zugeordneten Kanõlen ausgef³hrt
RMAN-06909: Warnung: Parallelitõt erfordert Enterprise Edition
RMAN-08030: Zugewiesener Kanal: ch2
RMAN-08500: Kanal ch2: SID=26, Gerõtetyp=SBT_TAPE
RMAN-08526: Kanal ch2: CommVault Systems for Oracle: Version 11.0.0(BUILD80)
RMAN-08030: Zugewiesener Kanal: ch3
RMAN-08500: Kanal ch3: SID=269, Gerõtetyp=SBT_TAPE
RMAN-08526: Kanal ch3: CommVault Systems for Oracle: Version 11.0.0(BUILD80)
RMAN-08030: Zugewiesener Kanal: ch4
RMAN-08500: Kanal ch4: SID=27, Gerõtetyp=SBT_TAPE
RMAN-08526: Kanal ch4: CommVault Systems for Oracle: Version 11.0.0(BUILD80)
RMAN-03090: backup wird gestartet bei 09-MRZ-21
RMAN-08048: Kanal ch1: Backupset von Datendatei auf inkrementeller Ebene 0 wird begonnen
RMAN-08010: Kanal ch1: Datendateien in Backup Set werden angegeben
RMAN-08522: Dateinummer der Eingabedate=00001, Name=D:\ORACLEDATABASE\CVTEST\SYSTEM01.DBF
RMAN-08038: Kanal ch1: Piece 1 wird auf 09-MRZ-21 begonnen
RMAN-08031: Freigegebener Kanal: ch1
RMAN-08031: Freigegebener Kanal: ch2
RMAN-08031: Freigegebener Kanal: ch3
RMAN-08031: Freigegebener Kanal: ch4
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03009: Fehler bei Befehl backup auf Kanal ch1 bei 03/09/2021 11:38:13
ORA-19506: Fehler beim Erstellen der sequentiellen Datei, Name="CVTEST_0mvpa6l4_1_1_1066736292", Parameter=""
ORA-27028: skgfqcre: sbtbackup hat Fehler zur³ckgegeben
ORA-19511: Kein RMAN-, sondern Media Manager- oder herstellerspezifischer Fehler, Fehlertext:
Recovery Manager abgeschlossen.
Appreciate the share! I’ll defer to @Gowri Shankar and his wisdom!
ORA-19511: Kein RMAN-, sondern Media Manager- oder herstellerspezifischer Fehler, Fehlertext:
This indicate a permissions issue.
Dont think you will need to reboot the server as the channels are allocated without any issues
RMAN-08030: Zugewiesener Kanal: ch2
RMAN-08500: Kanal ch2: SID=26, Gerõtetyp=SBT_TAPE
RMAN-08526: Kanal ch2: CommVault Systems for Oracle: Version 11.0.0(BUILD80)
Follow the doc link recommended earlier -
For oracle 12c or above following the steps recommended in documentation https://documentation.commvault.com/commvault/v11/article?p=20309.htm
Let us know if the issue still persists
@Gowri Shankar Well the reboot seems to have helped. The permissions were already granted as I had mentioned in my initial post.
@neuwiesener , that’s good, though we should probably hold off on celebrating just yet
Would prefer to see it works consistently first, though I’ll defer to judgement.
I’ll keep an eye here though feel free to mark any reply as the Best Answer once you’re satisfied this is resolved!