Hi all!
I am coming to you with another question 😥
We are trying to bring back full functionality of our VSA proxy agent in OLVM enviroment.
So far we do have 6 servers in OLVM, they are running on Oracle LInux, but in different version, just please have a look:

As you can, they do have 8.5 and 8.10 version, we do have also updated 4 of them to match our CV version. But even if we do have updated some of them, and some of them are not been updated, please see which of them are possible to be chosen as proxy for VM restore:

as can be seen i am able only to chose the ones with 8.5 Oracle Linux (older version). Even if one of them still have older CV version.
In other topic, someone has provided me a documentation link and it seems that all verions within 8.X and 9.X should be supported.

Worth to note - those machines are all in the same groups, so its should not be a problem. As far as i remember we do have had to “downgrade” to 8.5 in a past to get this to work, but it seems that even a documentation said that 8.10 should be supported, they still can not be used?
Exact CV version is 11.36.33