Hello dears,
im facing an issue while performing out of place restore for oracle database,
the restore start to transfer 3 or more files then go in pending status with the below error
Error Code: [18:182]
Description: Failed with SBT library error [ORA-27199: skgfpst: sbtpcstatus returned errorORA-19511: non RMAN, but media manager or vendor specific failure, error text: ]
Source: R12_DB, Process: ClOraAgent
Mediaagent job manager log
26501 59f7 02/01 10:28:38 #### SdtTailServerPool::StopPipe: Going to stop client with SDT pipe [SDTPipe_R12_DBCRP_COLD_jd-mediaagent_5255_1675236023_20203_1_11b7691e0]. Type [0]
26501 59f7 02/01 10:28:38 #### SdtTailServerPool::StopPipe: Cannot find SDT pipe [SDTPipe_R12_DBCRP_COLD_jd-mediaagent_5255_1675236023_20203_1_11b7691e0]. JobId [5255]. Calling JM unregister here on its behalf
26501 59f7 02/01 10:28:38 #### deinitializeSDTpipeline CALLED for pipelineID [SDTPipe_R12_DBCRP_COLD_jd-mediaagent_5255_1675236023_20203_1_11b7691e0] 5255