Creating aux copy and once the data fully copied promoting new copy as primary is the method we are following,
There is a dash copy which is copying data from old primary copy,there are many job to be copied,
If we change the primary to new primary wethere these pending jobs get copied from new primary copy? Or do we need to wait unitl it completes fylly
Best answer by Satya Narayan Mohanty
Yes, if primary_HSX is completely in sync with primary, then you can kill any running auxcopy job to dash_copy and promote primary_HSX. Once promoted, you can kick off auxcopy for dash_copy, which will then copy the jobs in “partial or to be copied” state from primary_HSX. Just make sure all the “partially copied” or “to be copied” jobs in dash_copy are available in primary_HSX before triggering the promotion.
Make sure the aux copy to the “to be new primary” copy finishes before promoting (so that both the copies are in sync). Once promoted, the dash copy will source its data from the new primary copy. So, yes the to-be-copied jobs in the dash copy will be copied from the new primary.
You cannot change the source copy while the job is still running. Changing the source copy before the aux copy is finished, say if you killed it, would not copy the jobs that were “to be copied” prior to changing the source copy.
We will copy data from whatever is defined as the “Source Copy”. If you change the source before all jobs are copied, the remaining jobs will not be copied.
Yes, if primary_HSX is completely in sync with primary, then you can kill any running auxcopy job to dash_copy and promote primary_HSX. Once promoted, you can kick off auxcopy for dash_copy, which will then copy the jobs in “partial or to be copied” state from primary_HSX. Just make sure all the “partially copied” or “to be copied” jobs in dash_copy are available in primary_HSX before triggering the promotion.
@Collin Harper - by default the source copy of any secondary copy is primary copy unless explicitly another copy is selected. When a copy is promoted, the new primary automatically becomes the source copy of all the secondary copies in the policy (except for those copies where a source copy is explicitly selected to a different copy).
@Ajal - I synced up with @Collin Harper. The behaviour will be as I mentioned in the previous reply.
Yes, if primary_HSX is completely in sync with primary, then you can kill any running auxcopy job to dash_copy and promote primary_HSX. Once promoted, you can kick off auxcopy for dash_copy, which will then copy the jobs in “partial or to be copied” state from primary_HSX. Just make sure all the “partially copied” or “to be copied” jobs in dash_copy are available in primary_HSX before triggering the promotion.
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