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PostgreSQL table level restore failed

  • October 20, 2021
  • 4 replies



I'm trying to do a table level restore of postregsql from the production server to an auxiliary server.

If i perform a database restore without selecting table level browse, the restore works correctly.

Below are the screenshots of the restore job:


This is the extract from the PostGresRestore.log:

107062 1a252 10/20 11:17:18 933085 PostgresRestore::getArchiveFileIdsFromIndexForAJobV2() - totime = 0

107062 1a252 10/20 11:17:19 933085 IDXBROWSECL Sending init request [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><databrowse_BrowseRequest opType="1" pathType="0"><entity _type_="0" applicationId="125" commCellId="2" subclientId="2567"/><paths path="/TblView"/><timeRange fromTime="0" toTime="0"/><options DoNotCacheFilters="0" PreferContentServer="0" adjustPerLastDRTime="0" browseFromCSDB="0" bulkOperation="0" bypassSubclientConfig="1" caseInsensitive="0" caseManagerDataCopy="0" createRestoreVectors="0" cycleBrowse="0" disableSnapOptimizer="0" doPrediction="0" downloadSystemScan="0" downloadTrueUpStubScanOutput="0" enforceSuperBrowse="0" fetchFileProperties="0" folderDelete="0" fsExtentBrowse="0" getACLs="0" hideEmptyExtents="0" imageBrowse="0" includeAgedData="0" includeAllParents="0" includeCheckSum="0" includeEndUserErasedItems="0" includeExtentCRC="0" includeMetadata="1" includeRunningJobs="0" includeSoftCommittedJobs="0" includeVersions="0" instantSend="0" internalReq="0" isOneTouchRestore="0" liveBrowse="0" machineLiveBrowse="0" nasFilerType="0" nasSynthDirRestore="2" nasSynthRestore="0" nonRecursiveNASRestore="0" onePassRedundancy="0" onePassStubQuery="0" prepareSystemScan="0" pruneFromSource="0" queryAgedArchiveFileData="0" reCreateRestoreVector="0" refCopy="0" refCopyCloudMigration="0" refCopySF="0" relationshipBrowse="0" restoreIndex="0" sendBackListOfAfiles="0" sendOutputToFile="0" sharedFolderBrowse="0" showDeletedFiles="0" showFolderSize="0" showOnlyDeleted="0" showThumbnail="0" skipDataPrediction="0" skipIndexRestore="0" skipLatestVersion="0" skipMountPoints="0" skipNasRenamedDirs="0" skipProgressMessage="0" skipSynthFullJobs="0" synthFull="0" tableViewBrowse="0" translateSyncPath="0" translateToVMReq="0" useLatestCycle="0" useUptoDateIndexOnly="0" verifyArchiverQuery="0" viewBackupCopy="0" vsDiskBrowse="0" vsExtentBrowse="0" vsFileBrowse="1" vsListVMs="0" vsLiveSyncBrowse="0" vsVolumeBrowse="0" vsaFileLevelRestore="0"/><mode mode="3"/><advOptions applyStrictACL="0" browseViewName="TABLEVIEW" copyPrecedence="0" includePsuedoItems="0" retryLimit="10" retryWaitSecs="300" skipUptodateCheck="0" stubAsData="0" timeoutSecs="1800" validateAfiles="0" vmCentricClient="0"/><queries queryId="0" type="0"><dataParam><paging firstNode="0" pageSize="4294967295" skipNode="0"/></dataParam></queries></databrowse_BrowseRequest>] to CS

107062 1a252 10/20 11:17:19 933085 PostgresRestore::getArchiveFileIdsFromIndexForAJobV2() - Browse init failed

107062 1a252 10/20 11:17:19 933085 PostgresRestore::OnBufferPlFsHdr() - getArchiveFileIdsFromIndexForAJobV2 failed

107062 1a252 10/20 11:17:19 933085 PostgresRestore::FailTheJob() - Failing the Job

107062 1a252 10/20 11:17:19 933085 Sending FAILED complete message to JM, 933085

107062 1a252 10/20 11:17:19 933085 FclRestore::terminateOnFatalError(9333) - Sending FSR_MSG_STOP

107062 1a252 10/20 11:17:19 933085 FsRestoreUnixObject::closeObject(6389) - Error [2] while updating file times for [imcrud]

107062 1a252 10/20 11:17:19 933085 FclRestore::readPipeline(5521) - Removing file imcrud on error

107062 1a252 10/20 11:17:19 933085 FclRestore::readPipeline(5572) - Exiting the readPipeline thread...


Any help is appreciated.



Best answer by Fabrizio

Hi @Mike Struening ,

I inform you that the problem has been solved with the update to version 11.23.35, the restore of the single table on an auxiliary server now works correctly.




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4 replies

Mike Struening

Hi @Fabrizio, hope all is well otherwise!

I had a chat with our Unix/DB Associate Manager who looked at this and suggested opening a case (and sharing the incident number here).

He mentioned that this is a complex issue with multiple possible causes/troubleshooting streams.

Let me know once the case is created so I can track it.

  • Author
  • 11 replies
  • October 20, 2021

Hi @Mike Struening ,

all fine thanks! below the case number: 211020-466




  • Author
  • 11 replies
  • Answer
  • November 30, 2021

Hi @Mike Struening ,

I inform you that the problem has been solved with the update to version 11.23.35, the restore of the single table on an auxiliary server now works correctly.




Mike Struening

Thanks for sharing!


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