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pure storage safemode, enable commvault to use protection groups ?


Having  chatted to Pure Storage, I got


 PG = Protection Group; SM = Safemode;


Commvault uses vol snaps for most operations. PGs come in when customers use async replication or explicitly enable PGs in the CV config. (CV also called out PGs for Oracle archivelog snaps; I haven't tested this myself to be sure whether it always uses them or only in those two cases.) CV creates its own PGs per subclient (data set) and cannot enable SM on them (until they are on APIv2--this was the "first" I mentioned)--but customers can enable SM manually. Dynamic detection means they will adjust the PG members based on where the data sits when the backup job runs. VMs moving due to Storage vMotion, adding or consolidating vols in a DB, etc. will trigger CV to change the PG membership. If this includes removing a vol, and SM is turned on for the PG, the job will fail and continue to fail until Pure support can remove the vol.Auto-on is a separate consideration. There's no opt-out for CV without APIv2. Any temp vols they create will go in the default PG. CV will still destroy and eradicate them. If they exist when the default schedule hits, they will be snapped in the default PG, so auto-on will most likely affect capacity (but not for sure and impossible to accurately predict how much).So, to recap:

  • If customers want SM but not on CV's snaps, they can safely use PG-level SM with PGs they create. CV will happily coexist with that.
  • If they want SM on CV's snaps, they either need to use array-wide or force CV to use PGs, then manually enable SM on CV's PGs.
  • There are a couple of cases like Oracle archivelogs where we expect CV to remove vols from PGs regularly, which will fail if SM is enabled--regardless of array-wide or PG-level.
  • Auto-on doesn't affect any of these other behaviors, but it is likely to pick up at least some of CV's temp volumes and use some extra capacity.

So I am trying to understand the configuration change to enable commvault to default to use Protection  Groups for snapshot operations

3 replies


Hello @Cadence 

This kind of question is hard for community to answer and is much better to be answered by our product owners. I have reached out internally and hoping they will come back on this thread and help us. 


Will keep you posted!


Kind regards

Albert Williams

  • Vaulter
  • 3 replies
  • July 9, 2024


Due to changes Pure introduced with safemode, we need to make some adjustments on our end for it to function properly again. We are currently working on this, however do not have an ETA at this time.


  • From Pure version 5.6.16 and 6.0.7 onwards, Pure array wide safe mode is not supported and Do not enable safe mode config on the Commvault created protection groups. This comes into picture and have issues  if there are adding and removing of volumes from the subclient content after the first backup(s), Like mentioned above .


  • For protection group “pgroup-auto” always on option, disable the snapshot schedule if there is space related concern on the Array.

  • Author
  • Bit
  • 1 reply
  • July 12, 2024

@BClarke  where is 

  1.  protection group “pgroup-auto” always on option defined and
  2. Described in documentation ( wanto check if a specific CV version level is required


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