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I have a webserver we are no longer using (webserver is now hosted by commserve), and this webserver was also tagged/installed/configured as a media agent.  However: it performed no media agent functions, just the webserver.  My beliefs in “how to retire a media agent” are:


  • Right click on media agent, choose “Delete media Agent”. A warning pop-up appears: says to view ‘media Agent impact Deletion report’ (and follow impact/remediation steps from there) and then when ready to actually delete the media agent, type in a long phrase to confirm deletion.
  • Perform any remediation steps in the report so the report is ‘empty (and mine is, as it was never really used as a media agent).
  • Put media agent into maintenance mode?
  • Using the Commvault services UI/tool: Shut down the CommVault services on the media agent, set them to “not restart services”, and power off server/OS.
  • Delicense the client associated with the media agent (i.e. it has the same name).  I chose to use the “retire server workflow” to do this (and it failed here for me)
  • Re-do the media agent deletion step (first step above), and maybe for sanity rerun the report to make sure its “clean” for double checking, then type in the confirmation phrase to delete.


When I get to the “delicense the client associated with the media agent” step, it fails and the client now has a red ‘x’ over the icon.



Is the method above basically correct?  Any other “gotchas” when doing this? Do I need to manually delicense the client or does ‘retiring it by typing in the confirmation phrase” clean up the associated client?



May i know if you get any pop up error message when it fails to delete Media Agent?


Could you review Evmgrs.log at the time of deletion?




Also, try the below approach and see if that helps?




1. Reconfigure the Media agent


2. From client computers---> Right click on the Media Agent and select Release License for Media agent


3. Click on Remove All,


4. Then try deleting the media agent

@Nutan Pawar G : I eventually received an email (of the failure of the workflow to delicense the client) that had a nicer error message. it said:

“Operational Error : Licenses have been released for all the client packages except MediaAgent. Please use Delete MediaAgent option if you want to deconfigure the client completely.”

Given this uch clearer message, I ran the “Right click on media agent, choose “Delete media Agent””, then double checked the remediation report (which was “empty” for every row listed, i.e. no remediations to run) and entered the confirmation phrase to delete the media agent.  A job ran for awhile and attempted to communicate with the MediaAgent to uninstall software (which it cannot, as the server was shut down), and after letting it run for awhile it completed successfully with a message in the job “There were communication problems with client. Force uninstall was done as the option was selected.”

So: I was able to get the MediaAgent deleted, and it seems if you can “do not shut down the server nor turn the Commvault services off” before attempting a MediaAgent delete, and also do not attempt (or its unnecessary?) to delicense the client associated with it first: the delete job will clean up what it can properly after it runs for awhile.



Good to know that you have managed to delete the Media Agent.

However, BOL does not have the steps mentioned in the last paragraph.


Please check this BOL below:
