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How are you guys handling the commserve name after failing over with live sync.  For example all users are used to going to HTTPS://COMMSERVERNEW.FQDN.NET/CONSOLE but after failing over the standyby name comes into play for example HTTPS://STANDBYCOMMSERVE.FQDN.NET/CONSOLE


How can I prevent having to blast out emails and user confusion, broken shortcuts etc.  Any ideas out there to make a fail over easy for my end users?

When there is a failover the Secondary or as you put it Standby Commserve becomes the Primary and in the URL listed explains how the communication works for clients.  Although you can set this up with a COMMSERVE FLOATING NAME in DNS this is not a requirement.  The Floating name would be the name of the Commserve regardless of failover.


Here is the URL:

CommServe LiveSync For High Availability Disaster Recovery (

Please let me know if you require additional information.

Have a good day


Dwayne Mowers

You could also run the webserver on a different server/cluster, that is discussed in this thread:

A different option would be to use a load balancer with sticky session support.

Both will prevent URL adjustments 🙂