long story short story we observe error “The parameter used for the current operation is not supported by the Operating System, OS Drivers or the underlying Hardware” in our environment
It started few months ago and from this time it is more and more extensive. It already “survived” few MR updates
First thought that is connected with some backup types but it already spread to ddb backup or index backup ...also exist in FS backup or vmware backup ...Often see tat also inside AUX copies or in livesync replication
Second thought that mine MA’s OS is guilty so we changed many MA’s from 2012r2 to 2016 or even 2019 ….not help ….also play with many options from OS which not help also
Next thought went to base where we store backups which s CIFS shares on Synology (especially that no so long ago we changed OS on them to DSM7 (from previous DSM6) . Here we also checked many things as for example blocking to use SMB3 and use only SMB2 ….no helped ...strange is fact that we have many diffrent models so it cannot appear on all of them ...also guilty destination is wrong way as beside to Synology CIFS we Netapp cifs and problems also starts to appear there.
Av is also not a case as meantime test time we completely blocked it on MA’s
Also situation when its happen is crazy ..for ex. Backup of DDB progressing ...Inside process for example 34% finished goes to pending ...then i will resume it and backup can finish with success or error appear again and then after next resume it will finish :(
Of course message “The parameter used for the current operation is not supported by the Operating System, OS Drivers or the underlying Hardware” is false as CV completely not saying which parameter it talk about.
I little frustrated as this is big environment (35 sites geographically propagated) and the same error appear in many of them ??? . In past we had errors like for example chunks problems but always was easy to find as reason after it but here ..i lost so any suggestion will be more then welcome
i forgot actually we are in 11.24.48 version