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Transaction Log Rule: removing expired data (logs) from the Storage Policy

  • February 10, 2022
  • 3 replies



I have a problem with removing expired data (logs) from the Storage Policy despite the policy.

I found this setting but:

The logs that are linked with a selective online full (and the logs of the selective online full) can be aged only if they are older than the oldest data that can be aged and the corresponding data of the selective online full that can be or have been aged

and , but this is for a global setting and we don't know how it will affect Hane.

Kind Regards, 





Best answer by Mike Struening RETIRED

Not really.  It overrides the entire Data Aging mechanism so it’s all or nothing.

Take a look into using Extended Retention on those fulls and you’ll get the same effect.  Just make sure it’s ONLY Extended Retention still affecting those Fulls.  Set the Basic retention to the length you want to keep the Logs around for (i.e. Yearly Fulls are kept for 6 months, but basic retention is only 30 days.  After 30 days, the log files will drop off).

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Mike Struening

You stumbled across a caveat to transaction log files and how they prune…

Transaction Log files will not prune until they are older than the oldest existing Full backup for that database, no matter what Storage Policy or copy they exist on.

For MSFT SQL, it’s a bit simpler since there’s only one type of backup for the database.

The option you found WILL work, but it is universal.

The better solution is to find the old full backup in question and see why it is still retained.

A good trick is to utilize Extended Retention.  If ONLY extended retention is retaining the full, the logs can age.  However, if Primary retention is ALSO in effect, then the logs will stick around (until that’s no longer true).

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  • February 21, 2022

@Mike Struening thanks for your help!

Is it possible to work around this setting somehow so that it can only be selected for specific tasks?, as described this applies to a global setting.


Mike Struening

Not really.  It overrides the entire Data Aging mechanism so it’s all or nothing.

Take a look into using Extended Retention on those fulls and you’ll get the same effect.  Just make sure it’s ONLY Extended Retention still affecting those Fulls.  Set the Basic retention to the length you want to keep the Logs around for (i.e. Yearly Fulls are kept for 6 months, but basic retention is only 30 days.  After 30 days, the log files will drop off).

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