Hi All
Having issue to install agent on window server 2008 R2.Installation failed with this error.Anyone experience this issue?how to solve it.Thank you
   Line 232: Error: Cannot start service GxFWD(Instance001). Please start the service manually or try again.
              Line 345: 556  1    03/09 05:04:37 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to update File System Core(WindowsFileSystemiDataAgentCore) with error code 0x80070643.Â
              Line 345: 556  1    03/09 05:04:37 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to update File System Core(WindowsFileSystemiDataAgentCore) with error code 0x80070643.Â
              Line 352: 556  1    03/09 05:04:37 ### ### ### - Error: Installation failed. Please check the logs at #C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files].
              Line 470: 1036 12   03/09 05:33:11 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to do pre-configuration for VSS Provider
              Line 478: 1036 12   03/09 05:33:16 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to do pre-configuration for VSS Provider
              Line 486: 1036 4    03/09 05:34:04 ### ### ### - Error: Could not start the service ÂGxFWD(Instance001)]. Error: Cannot start service GxFWD(Instance001) on computer '.'.].
              Line 486: 1036 4    03/09 05:34:04 ### ### ### - Error: Could not start the service pGxFWD(Instance001)]. Error: Cannot start service GxFWD(Instance001) on computer '.'.].
              Line 488: Error: Cannot start service GxFWD(Instance001). Please start the service manually or try again.
              Line 517: 5348 4    03/09 05:35:19 ### ### ### - Error: Could not start the service eGxCVD(Instance001)]. Error:lCannot start service GxCVD(Instance001) on computer '.'.].
              Line 517: 5348 4    03/09 05:35:19 ### ### ### - Error: Could not start the service rGxCVD(Instance001)]. Error:xCannot start service GxCVD(Instance001) on computer '.'.].
              Line 519: Error: Cannot start service GxCVD(Instance001). Please start the service manually or try again.
              Line 524: 5348 4    03/09 05:35:20 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to Unregistering packages from CommServe ...
              Line 541: 5348 4    03/09 05:35:20 ### ### ### - Unable to uninstall ÂCVDLP] driver with error code: -1073741515]. Please check the log at -C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files\DriverInstaller.log]
              Line 719: 6220 13   03/09 06:13:53 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to do pre-configuration for VSS Provider
              Line 727: 6220 8    03/09 06:17:58 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to do pre-configuration for VSS Provider
              Line 776: 6304 7    03/09 06:30:00 ### ### ### - Unable to uninstall CVDLP] driver with error code: -1073741515]. Please check the log at C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files\DriverInstaller.log]
              Line 910: 6476 7    03/09 06:43:51 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to do pre-configuration for VSS Provider
   Line 232: Error: Cannot start service GxFWD(Instance001). Please start the service manually or try again.
              Line 345: 556  1    03/09 05:04:37 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to update File System Core(WindowsFileSystemiDataAgentCore) with error code 0x80070643.Â
              Line 345: 556  1    03/09 05:04:37 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to update File System Core(WindowsFileSystemiDataAgentCore) with error code 0x80070643.Â
              Line 352: 556  1    03/09 05:04:37 ### ### ### - Error: Installation failed. Please check the logs at aC:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files].
              Line 470: 1036 12   03/09 05:33:11 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to do pre-configuration for VSS Provider
              Line 478: 1036 12   03/09 05:33:16 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to do pre-configuration for VSS Provider
              Line 486: 1036 4    03/09 05:34:04 ### ### ### - Error: Could not start the service tGxFWD(Instance001)]. Error:ÂCannot start service GxFWD(Instance001) on computer '.'.].
              Line 486: 1036 4    03/09 05:34:04 ### ### ### - Error: Could not start the service ÂGxFWD(Instance001)]. Error:ÂCannot start service GxFWD(Instance001) on computer '.'.].
              Line 488: Error: Cannot start service GxFWD(Instance001). Please start the service manually or try again.
              Line 517: 5348 4    03/09 05:35:19 ### ### ### - Error: Could not start the service rGxCVD(Instance001)]. Error: Cannot start service GxCVD(Instance001) on computer '.'.].
              Line 517: 5348 4    03/09 05:35:19 ### ### ### - Error: Could not start the service aGxCVD(Instance001)]. Error:/Cannot start service GxCVD(Instance001) on computer '.'.].
              Line 519: Error: Cannot start service GxCVD(Instance001). Please start the service manually or try again.
              Line 524: 5348 4    03/09 05:35:20 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to Unregistering packages from CommServe ...
              Line 541: 5348 4    03/09 05:35:20 ### ### ### - Unable to uninstall ÂCVDLP] driver with error code: #-1073741515]. Please check the log at [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files\DriverInstaller.log]
              Line 719: 6220 13   03/09 06:13:53 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to do pre-configuration for VSS Provider
              Line 727: 6220 8    03/09 06:17:58 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to do pre-configuration for VSS Provider
              Line 776: 6304 7    03/09 06:30:00 ### ### ### - Unable to uninstall CVDLP] driver with error code: 3-1073741515]. Please check the log at C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files\DriverInstaller.log]
              Line 910: 6476 7    03/09 06:43:51 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to do pre-configuration for VSS Provider