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Gridstor implementation for SAN Disk Library


Hi Guys,


We got a new SAN Storage, which is fully dedicated for backup. Since it's an FC Storage, we’ll present the LUNs to MediaAgents agents through SAN Switches.


Our concern is about High Availability for MediaAgents regarding SAN. Is it possible to implement Gridstor through SAN ? We’ve already done that in the past with Object storage through mount path sharing. We now are wondering if this is feasible also through FC. Since SAN configuration implies Zoning configuration through SAN switches and LUNs are mounted locally into each MediaAgent.


Overall, that's our need, being able to back up and restore through the SAN storage with 2 different MediaAgent and having some sort of HA in case of a failure of any MediaAgent.


Any recommendations regarding this configuration would be appreciated.


Kind regards.

2 replies

  • Vaulter
  • 2 replies
  • January 2, 2024


Yes, you could share the mount paths among the MediaAgents in the grid using SMB or DataServer-IP. You will need to open the required ports though between the MAs. SMB allows both read and write access, while DSIP only allows for read access from other MAs.


Hi @DoctorB,


Using SMB or DataServer-IP, does it mean that only one MA would have the access to the LUN through SAN and the same MA will share that LUN after being initialized and formatted to use it as a filesystem to the other MA ? If that’s the case, then it means that the MA sharing the LUN is SPOF, right ?



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