
Is network topology necessary if firewalls are not in place

  • 2 March 2022
  • 1 reply

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We have an offsite facility we send our aux copies to for DR purposes. PB’s of data for CommVault to go through .  We do not have a firewall, and port 8400 can reach the offsite ok.  Some of us in house think using the network topology to create a persistent connection and then open 8 routes will speed up the process over letting Commvault handle the traffic automatically.


Does anyone have any insight into which process is better to use for us? or more technical how the network routes work or a recommended setup?


Best answer by Mike Struening RETIRED 2 March 2022, 20:27

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@DaBackups , it certainly might help, especially if you are seeing disconnect issues.

Generally, we recommend persistent connections to counter network drops, and the like.