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Has anyone kicked the proverbial tires on this yet either from a NAS or S3 target? Curious to know if CV is qualifying it internally or if it’s on anyone’s todo list. 

Hey @downhill , I’m looking internally, and moved this to our Best Practices section since that consistently gets the most replies and feedback :sunglasses:

Sounds like there may be an architecture document on the way around this.

Can you share what you find?  I was not able to find anything though I’d love to know what you are hearing (and from whom).

I’ve got a client asking about VAST now, has anyone used it yet?

I have a “Vast Data + Commvault Solution Guide” that they’ve supplied, so I have some reading to do!

We have ref architecture and have Certified it as a target for s3 and NFS. This also applies to HPe Elletra File (Powered by VAST). We are building some very cool integrations. You can hit me at
