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Type fuse.glusterfs Global Exclusion -- can this be done?


Hello, Commvault Community,

I was searching for documentation about GlusterFS, but not sure if the lead I found really applies to what I want.   I was wondering if there is a way to globally exclude files that are of type “fuse.glusterfs”?   I found this in the doc, but not sure if it applies to what I’m researching.  

Exclude Files From Backup Operations in Hybrid File Store (


GlusterFS replicates data multiple times over the cluster, i.e. one file turns into 5 copies across the nodes in the cluster (assuming there are five nodes).  We have an exclusion list defined in the Global or Client Filters, but this only works if we know where glusterfs types are being stored. 

We recently discovered an unaccounted glusterfs nodes, and as consequences, files were being backed up five times.   As you can see, waste of resources.  


Is there a way to filter file system types like that doc link I pasted?   That link defines excluding txt, jpg, bmp.  Not sure if this can be done for Linux filesystems.   that looks like this:


[root[DEV]@vx1c54 ~]# mount |grep gluster
omhqp13e75:/devstatic on /content type fuse.glusterfs (ro,default_permissions,allow_other,max_read=131072)

omhqp13e75:/dyn_cfu on /dynamic/coldfusion type fuse.glusterfs (rw,default_permissions,allow_other,max_read=131072)

omhqp13e75:/dyn_admin on /dynamic/admin type fuse.glusterfs (rw,default_permissions,allow_other,max_read=131072)

omhqp13e75:/dyn_eng on /dynamic/engineering type fuse.glusterfs (rw,default_permissions,allow_other,max_read=131072)


Best answer by Collin Harper

Hello @jb-backup 

Thank you for your patience. Discussing with a colleague, this additional setting may help you, but it might be best to get a case opened with the Linux Filesystem Team if you are trying to filter files out of a Filesystem backup.

Name: ignoreFStype

Path: FileSystemAgent

Type: Multi String



Default Value: nfs:nfs3:nfs4:autofs:lofs:tmpfs:proc:ctfs:udf:cifs:smbfs:hsfs:mvfs:floppy:cdfs:afp:afpfs:msdos:webdav:ftp:synthfs:udf:cd:cd9660:devfs:fdesc:ext2fs:linpro:mfs:msdos:ntfs:nwfs:procfs:umap:union::iso9660:isofs:openpromfs:devfs:procfs:nsspool:sysfs:proc:ctfs:ufs:devpts:udf:cdrom:


Supported Values:

:fs name a:fs name b:where fs name a, fs name b, etc., identify the affected file systems



UNIX: "Override default value to add flexibility to add/remove additional file system types. By default, the lofs, tmpfs, stfs and proc file systems will be skipped during backup. However, a registry key is available that will allow determining which of these file systems will be backed up or skipped during backup. You can do this by configuring the key which identifies the file systems that will be skipped during backup. To enable this capability open the following file for editing: /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instancexxx/FileSystemAgent/.properties, and add a new key with a value that will identify the file systems you will skip during backup. Use the following format for the key-value: :::...:: For example: :lofs:tmpfs: The value must start and end with ":". Each file system name must be separated by ":". All file systems will be backed up (see Note * below) if the value is set to "::". Notes: * Pre-existing rules will apply to NFS file systems unless "nfs" is added to the registry key identified above. ** You can back up any of these file systems irrespective of how this key is configured by adding the mount point path for the file system to the subclient content."

For example, on AIX clients, if you want to skip the name fs file system along with the other skipped file systems, set the registry key value as follows:

ignoreFStype :nfs:autofs:cdrom:nfs3:lofs:tmpfs:proc:procfs:ctfs:namefs:

Windows: Used to filter out content based on Filesystem type.

e.g. FSA/IgnoreFStype MultiString <NTFS,REFS,CDROM etc>
Valid values could be any File system type, eg. FAT, NTFS, REFS etc.
Use CDROM : to filter out CD ROM drive.

The effect of the additional setting is only on the SC which are configured using SC policy.
On Windows, it is applicable from v11 SP13.


Thank you,

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Hello @jb-backup 

Can you clarify if you’re trying to exclude gluster files from backup or expand on the issue you are encountering?

  • Author
  • Byte
  • 8 replies
  • June 14, 2022

@Collin Harper ,  Yes, thanks for helping.  We’re just trying to exclude gluster files from backup.   I’m wondering if there is a universal way to tell commvault to exclude this type of filesystem without specifying the directory locations.   Everything I’ve seen so far involving file server backup, seems like filtering is done by specifying the file locations.   I was hoping someone knows of an alternate way. 


Hello @jb-backup 

You shouldn’t have to filter any gluster files manually.

Can you clarify what you mean when you say files are being backed up 5 times? Can you provide a screenshot of where you are seeing this happen? Do you see this from Linux Filesystem backups?

The fuse is just the mount. The brick is what contains all of the other gluster information which wouldn’t be backed up.

Thank you,


  • Author
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  • 8 replies
  • July 7, 2022

@Collin Harper 
I keep saying files, but I meant filesystems.
We would like to make a global rule to exclude the following remote/distributed filesystem types in linux. Then only specify the filesystem type on a single node.

-o -fstype fuse.glusterfs -prune

-o -fstype nfs -prune

-o -fstype nfs4 -prune

-o -fstype cifs -prune

-o -fstype smbfs 

The above are the find options to exclude these type of filesystem..   Is there a way to set this globally?
We have these mounted on multiple clients with different paths, and Commvault backs-up the entire filesystems in each client.  Some of these mounts are terabytes in size.


Hello @jb-backup 

Thank you for your patience. Discussing with a colleague, this additional setting may help you, but it might be best to get a case opened with the Linux Filesystem Team if you are trying to filter files out of a Filesystem backup.

Name: ignoreFStype

Path: FileSystemAgent

Type: Multi String



Default Value: nfs:nfs3:nfs4:autofs:lofs:tmpfs:proc:ctfs:udf:cifs:smbfs:hsfs:mvfs:floppy:cdfs:afp:afpfs:msdos:webdav:ftp:synthfs:udf:cd:cd9660:devfs:fdesc:ext2fs:linpro:mfs:msdos:ntfs:nwfs:procfs:umap:union::iso9660:isofs:openpromfs:devfs:procfs:nsspool:sysfs:proc:ctfs:ufs:devpts:udf:cdrom:


Supported Values:

:fs name a:fs name b:where fs name a, fs name b, etc., identify the affected file systems



UNIX: "Override default value to add flexibility to add/remove additional file system types. By default, the lofs, tmpfs, stfs and proc file systems will be skipped during backup. However, a registry key is available that will allow determining which of these file systems will be backed up or skipped during backup. You can do this by configuring the key which identifies the file systems that will be skipped during backup. To enable this capability open the following file for editing: /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instancexxx/FileSystemAgent/.properties, and add a new key with a value that will identify the file systems you will skip during backup. Use the following format for the key-value: :::...:: For example: :lofs:tmpfs: The value must start and end with ":". Each file system name must be separated by ":". All file systems will be backed up (see Note * below) if the value is set to "::". Notes: * Pre-existing rules will apply to NFS file systems unless "nfs" is added to the registry key identified above. ** You can back up any of these file systems irrespective of how this key is configured by adding the mount point path for the file system to the subclient content."

For example, on AIX clients, if you want to skip the name fs file system along with the other skipped file systems, set the registry key value as follows:

ignoreFStype :nfs:autofs:cdrom:nfs3:lofs:tmpfs:proc:procfs:ctfs:namefs:

Windows: Used to filter out content based on Filesystem type.

e.g. FSA/IgnoreFStype MultiString <NTFS,REFS,CDROM etc>
Valid values could be any File system type, eg. FAT, NTFS, REFS etc.
Use CDROM : to filter out CD ROM drive.

The effect of the additional setting is only on the SC which are configured using SC policy.
On Windows, it is applicable from v11 SP13.


Thank you,


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