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I want to configure Daily and monthy backup for File server

  • May 27, 2023
  • 1 reply


Hi Team,

I have a question.

We have one file server and the server size around 25 TB. We have created 2 backup set for daily and monthly. Because the adhoc monthly full backup takes around 25 days to complete so we want incre data on the time so created another backup set called Adhoc_daily  and run daily on different storage policy. Both are running to Tape library directly. But the incre backup cycle considering old full for reference. So it there any other way to reconfigure this backup.


1 reply

Onno van den Berg
Commvault Certified Expert

Hi @Thava_91 


It's not really clear from you topic what your exact challenge is, but the challenge is that the full backup takes 25 days to complete. So to improve RTO you want to create a second backup set that creates incremental copies? In all honesty, but if the backup takes 25 days to complete than I would become pretty scared knowing that your RTO is going to be the same or worse when you are hit by a disaster. I assume it contains valuable data, so can you survive not being able to use this data for at least 25 days? Have you looked what your bottleneck is currently that is causing the backup to take 25 hours. Would it be possible to add a disk copy? 


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