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Commvault PSeudo Client unable to connect to database

  • June 26, 2023
  • 1 reply


Our SAP HANA server was migrated to a new hardware . The new server has the same hostname as the old server but with new IP address. the Commvault client was installed on the new server and connectivity between Commcell and new server is working fine. Check Readiness on the the existing pseudo client is ok. However when connecting to the instance it is showing “unable to establish connectivity with these instance properties. instance properties validation failed. Please check DB credentials”. I’m using the SYSTEM DB username and password was verified by the SAP team.

The ClHanaAgent.log shows these errors:

ClHanaAgent::ExecuteBrowseDiscoverdatabases() - HDBSql command Failed. Please check the connection password/ Bring the database online..

Please advise on how to resolve this.

Thank you.


1 reply


Hi @ElmerT 


Could you re-enter the system password on the SAP HANA instance properties and retry the backup.


In case if the backup still fails then increase the debug on ClHanaAgent.log 


Run a db discover by following the steps


if the backup still fails review the clHanaAgent.log on the hana server 





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