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Oracle RAC RMAN backup resources


We have a customer with a number of Oracle RAC instances. The backups are configured to a plan to run at 20:00 every night with Archive logs to run hourly.

What we’ve noticed is that when the DB schedule starts, the Archive logs do at the same time. One of the two jobs on the same DB (DB backup/Archive log) will go into a waiting state. 

When one job finishes, the ‘waiting’ job won’t initiate. You need to suspend and resume it. It seems that something in that process (RMAN?) doesn’t seem to automatically initialise.

There are a few things I’ve configured which have helped, but not totally solved the issue.

I’ve enabled the option to ‘queue jobs if other conflicting jobs are active’ in the client’s Job Configuration tab.
Is there anything else I can set to allow the jobs to not get stuck in this state and if they do, to auto restart?



Damian Andre

Hey @Mauro 

This sounds like a bug to me - jobs should never get stuck and require a suspend/resume. However, there is something that may work (I’m not a huge fan of tuning on the Job queue feature).

Try set a blackout window for the servers in question for 19:59 to 20:10 or something like that. In the window option there is a transaction log specific option which I believe applies to archive logs as well. You can do it at a server/client group to make it easier.

This will prevent archive log backups just for that window to allow the DB backup to get through without having to massively modify your schedules.


See if that helps?


Hello Mauro,

Due to inconsistency issue, Oracle doesn’t allow to start/run DB backup and archivelog backup at the same time. Could you please share the scheduled time for DB backup and archivelog backup?


Karthikeyan K

  • Byte
  • July 24, 2023

Hi Karthikeyan


Thanks for the response. That does make perfect sense.

The configuration is setup in a Plan. Currently the DB backup and the Archive log backup subclients are both assigned to the same plan, so both will start at 20:00 each night and then the Archive Logs continue to run hourly throughout the day.

I've tried the blackout window on TLOGS  suggestion for this evening so will see what that. does.

Would you have another option I could try? Incase thinking of a separate Plan just for the Archive Log backups.





Hello Mauro,

What’s your run time of incremental backup?


Karthikeyan K

  • Byte
  • July 25, 2023

Hi Kathikeyan

The backup times are variable due to different sizes in the DB’s. Some run for a few minutes and one runs up to 11 hours.




Hello Maria,

The DB which completes in few minutes, you can change the schedule like 20:30.

The DB which completes in hours, then you can go with blackout window for logs backup.


Karthikeyan K

  • Byte
  • July 25, 2023

Thanks so much for that confirmation.

If the logs get stuck in a ‘waiting’ state and can’t restart once the DB backup complete, we have to suspend and resume them to get them running.
Is there a way to have those start up without the manual suspend/resume?




Hello Mauro,

Waiting state would be something related to resource allocation.

Need to analyze Jobmanager and resource manager logs to see why it is in waiting state.


Karthikeyan K


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