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Reinstall CommVault and start over from scratch?

  • May 8, 2023
  • 1 reply


This may sound like a ridiculous question but I’m honestly asking…

I’ve been a CommVault customer for more than 10 years.  Over that time multiple people have been backup administrators which is not a dedicated position but one of those “other duties” that people get assigned.  Also over that period, CommVault has changed a lot and deprecated various things (the original Compliance Search and Azure V1 client as examples).  Currently I’m dealing with a LOT of problems.  I have some staff on OneDrive V1 backups and some on V2 - and neither run cleanly.  The new Compliance Search doesn’t work properly, the java GUI has duplicate clients that I can’t explain, and the daily Administrative job summary email report has multiple content indexing failures.  SharePoint backups (on prem and M365) don’t work properly, the Command Center health report reports jobs that have aged out months ago as problems and the Database Index Fragmentation shows as critical even though zero percent of the indexes report as over 50% fragmented.  In general, things are a mess.

So here’s my question:  Are there any long term clients that have started over by reinstalling everything from scratch?  I’ve spent the past 6 months fighting this and have opened 35 support tickets and there’s still so many problems that I’m wondering if maybe there’s a better way.


1 reply

Onno van den Berg
Commvault Certified Expert

Speaking for myself I'm responsible for a CCID that was build almost 8-years ago and was installed with v10. It's a MSP environment, so we have a lot of different customer profiles running in that environment. Sure, we have/are experiencing issues, but not that many that would make me consider starting from scratch. I however do known a lot of default have been changed over the last few years and a lot of them are not implemented in existing environments. Generally speaking we see our problems being handled, but it takes time. 

I would strongly recommend you to make an inventory of you problems and assuming you openend support tickets add their references and send this all to you account manager and have this properly escalated. Maybe @Damian Andre can be of assistance here as well. 


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