I’m currently experiencing issues with Hotadd backups using a VSA Proxy. The VMs running on the same ESX host as the Proxy are being backed up via Hotadd. However, VMs running on a different ESX host than the Proxy are being backed up via NBD.
As described in the Documentation: “If the virtual machine and the proxy are not on the same host, all datastores must be shared between the hosts and the hosts must be within the same datacenter. “
All datastores are shared between the hosts but they keep using NBD. I checked the logs and I can see Hotadd being disabled:
6452 1724 06/24 07:27:12 XXX CVMWareInfo::AdjustTransportModeForBackup() - Disabling Hotadd for VM [XXX] on NFS storage hosted by [XXX]. Proxy is hosted by [XXX]
What am I missing here?
Any ideas are appreciated!