I'm trying to backup Virtual machines on VMware.
All backups are ok except two vms.
I have this error
Cannot read disque [[Datastore2-Compellent] SRV-EXCHANGE/SRV-EXCHANGE-000002.vmdk] for virtual machine [SRV-EXCHANGE] on the host [esxi03.domain.local].
[Une ou plusieurs erreurs se sont produites lors du traitement de la demande. (ERROR_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED.774) , Échec de ReadCurrVmdkFile (W32.774)]
I have verified the connection between the access node and vice and the ESXIs all fine.
But I noticed that commvault try to access to vmdk disk that didn't exist on the VMs.
i have tow VMDK Files for two virtual disks that called “SRV-EXCHANGE/SRV-EXCHANGE-1-000028.vmdk and SRV-EXCHANGE/SRV-EXCHANGE-000004.vmdk” for this vm.
Someone has a solution for this