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Failed to get the index information from previous backup


When performing the increment backup of VMware virtual machines and this message always appear.

Any ideas ?


“47004 e040  07/21 08:47:13 430196 = vsbkp [BACKUP PHASE] has started vsbkp.exe -j 430196 -a 2:15 -t 2 -ref 1591261924 -i 2 -d pbackup*pbackup*8400 -io 0 -jt 430196:4:1:0:0:44607 -idxma pbackup*pbackup*8400 -numstreams 1 -cn pbackup -vm Instance001
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:13 430196 ================================================================
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:13 430196 CVMDiskInfo::GetVDDKInstallPath() - Using vStorage VDDK from [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\VMware\VDDK\VDDK673] version [6.7.3 build-14389676]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:13 430196 CVMDiskInfo::LoadVDDKLibrary() - Successfully loaded VDDK Lib (libeay32.dll) from C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\VMware\VDDK\VDDK673\bin\libeay32.dll
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:13 430196 CVMDiskInfo::LoadVDDKLibrary() - Successfully loaded VDDK Lib (ssleay32.dll) from C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\VMware\VDDK\VDDK673\bin\ssleay32.dll
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:13 430196 CVMDiskInfo::LoadVDDKLibrary() - Successfully loaded VDDK Lib (libldap_r.dll) from C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\VMware\VDDK\VDDK673\bin\libldap_r.dll
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:13 430196 CVMDiskInfo::LoadVDDKLibrary() - Successfully loaded VDDK Lib (libcurl.dll) from C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\VMware\VDDK\VDDK673\bin\libcurl.dll
47004 5e0c  07/21 08:47:13 430196 CVDTerminationHandler::_WaitForCVDTermination() - Waiting for CVD Termination
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:13 430196 VSBkpApp::Initialize() - Initializing Job manager object
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:13 430196 JM Client  CVJobClient::initialize(): Got remote host [pbackup].
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:13 430196 JM Client  CVBkpJobClient::init(): Initializing job object with token [430196:4:1:0:0:44607].
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:13 430196 vsJobMgr::_initBackup() - Backup Level  [Incr]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:13 430196 DBBase-SQL() - dbmethods.cpp:1425, DB Layer will use [Exec] access by default. Use SetAdminAccess API for on demand Admin access.
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:13 430196 Cvcl::init() - CVCL: Running in FIPS Mode
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:13 430196 DetectNativeClient() - Found reg key [SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLNCLI11]. Using driver [SQL Server Native Client 11.0].
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:15 430196 vsJobMgr::LoadJobOptions() - Job Options: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><TMMsg_JobOption><backupOpts truncateLogsOnSource="0" sybaseSkipFullafterLogBkp="0" notSynthesizeFullFromPrevBackup="0" collectMetaInfo="0" backupLevel="2" incLevel="1" adHocBackup="0" runIncrementalBackup="0" isSpHasInLineCopy="0" runSILOBackup="0" doNotTruncateLog="0"><vsaBackupOptions backupFailedVMsOnly="0"/><dataOpt skipCatalogPhaseForSnapBackup="1" useCatalogServer="1" followMountPoints="1" enforceTransactionLogUsage="0" skipConsistencyCheck="0" granularrecovery="0" createNewIndex="0"/><mediaOpt><storagePolicy storagePolicyName="HPE_Nimble_Non"/></mediaOpt><dbBackupOptions maxDbBackupType="0"/></backupOpts><adminOpts><contentIndexingOption subClientBasedAnalytics="0"/></adminOpts><restoreOptions><virtualServerRstOption isBlockLevelReplication="0"/></restoreOptions><commonOpts notifyUserOnJobCompletion="0"><perfJobOpts/></commonOpts></TMMsg_JobOption>
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:15 430196 TaskInterfaceDB::getOptions() - Loading default options into memory
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:15 430196 Init() - Initializing job control [token=430196:4:1:0:0:44607,cn=pbackup], serverName [pbackup], ControlFlag [1], Job Id [430196]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 CVJobCtrlLog::registerProcess(): successfully created file [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\JobControl\47.004]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 isCCSDbEnabled() - Use CCSDb Enabled [0] IsCloudLaptop [0] IsFSCoreLaptop [0]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::querySettings() - CommCell Id [2]  Number [82123797]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::querySettings() - Application Id [15]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrIds() - Subclient id = [15] [default]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrIds() - Client Id = [6] [vcsa.vsphere.local]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryPhysicalClientDetails() - Physical Client Id = [2] [pbackup]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrIds() - Instance id = [5] [VMware]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrIds() - Backup set id [13] [defaultBackupSet] [6F8B28AA-A1F2-40C5-99AE-51DE7718B5F5]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::querySettings() - IndexingV2 is Enabled
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::querySettingsForInstance() - Instance type (101) 'VMware vCenter'  [VMware]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::querySettingsForInstance() - Using VM Instance UUIDs
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::LookupMangledHostName() - CVClient::getNetworkHostnameMangled() for client id [214] returned [fre*fre*8400*8402]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryFBRMA() - Found linux FBR Client Id = [214] [fre]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryPhysicalClientDetails() - Physical Client Id = [2] [pbackup]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryLocalHostName() - Name of the local machine: [pbackup]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::updateMemberServersList() - Member servers [pbackup] at level [5-INSTANCE_ENTITY]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrProperties() - This is the DEFAULT subclient...
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrProperties() - Allow Empty Subclient: [TRUE]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryDynamicContent() - VM Content: [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><VirtualServer_VMSubClientEntity allOrAnyChildren="0"><children allOrAnyChildren="1" description="" displayName="catdbhanadev" equalsOrNotEquals="1" name="500d4f64-6259-f6ab-e911-cd6006b72c7e" path="catdbhanadev" type="9"/></VirtualServer_VMSubClientEntity>]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::GetSubClientFilters() - VM Filter: [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><VirtualServer_VMSubClientEntity allOrAnyChildren="0"/>]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::GetSubClientFilters() - VM Disk Filter: [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><EVGui_VMSubclientDiskFilterList/>]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrProperties() - Max number of streams to used is [100]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrProperties() - Transport Mode is [1] [san]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrProperties() - Snap Info object for VMWare: [<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><VirtualServer_VSSnapInfo><snapFailoverESXHosts val="" /><vsInstance clientId="6" clientName="vcsa.vsphere.local" instanceName="VMware" appName="Virtual Server" instanceId="5" applicationId="106" /></VirtualServer_VSSnapInfo>]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrProperties() - Proxy mount host for instance: []
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrProperties() - Quiesce File system [ON]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrProperties() - Use Changed Block Tracking [ON]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrProperties() - Datastore space values from App Manager:[10]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrProperties() - Skip VM page file or Linux swap partition [ON]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrProperties() - AutoDetect VM Owners [ON]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsAppMgr::queryAppMgrProperties() - Use Backupset Disk Filters [true]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsJobMgr::initBackupMetadaCollectionDefault() - IndexingV2 is enabled. Metadata collection is not supported.
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 CVOnDemandSvcClient::SubmitTask() - On Demand service CVODS_vscleanup_pbackup_1 launched at host pbackup*pbackup*8400*8402. Unique ID is B7968261-9160-4977-98D8-E5200726C5BE
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 CVOnDemandSvcClient::Attach() - Successfully attached to on Demand service CVODS_vscleanup_pbackup_1 launched at host pbackup*pbackup*8400*8402. Unique ID is B7968261-9160-4977-98D8-E5200726C5BE
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 VSBkpDatastoreMonitor::Initialize() - Monitoring datastore for less than [1,073,741,824] bytes of freespace
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::Initialize() - vm collect file = [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\iDataAgent\VirtualServerAgent\2\15\vmcollect_430196.cvf]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 JOBRESCACHEDIR: job 430196 creating 'C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\430196'
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::InitBackupResults() - Backup.out file created
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsJobMgr::CheckForRestart() - Empty restart string
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::UpdateJobManagerVMList_Restart() - This is a new job
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:16 430196 vsJobMgr::updateVMBkpJobStatus() - Sending VM status for [1] virtual machines
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::UpdateJobManagerVMList_Initial() - catdbhanadev [500d4f64-6259-f6ab-e911-cd6006b72c7e] - Completed
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::calculateRequiredStreams() - There are [1] VMs and [1] Disks to be processed by a max of [100] streams
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::calculateRequiredStreams() - All the streams that are required have been allocated
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::InitStreams() - Streams will be distributed by agent resource percentage
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 vsAppMgr::queryDataPathMediaAgents() - Found DataPath MediaAgents [pbackup]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::AddAgent() - Adding [pbackup] as a local agent
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 CVRemoteAgentServer::AddAgent() - Added Agent [pbackup]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 Thread pool monitor interval [300] seconds, Refresh interval [60] seconds
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 CvRemoteFileCacheClient::GetDetailsFromCS() - Input of SP [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><App_GetRFCDetailsReq RFCServerType="101" appGUID="858BEE7C-A5D3-4A46-A059-1899C45EB38F" archLogFileName="RFC_AFILE" commCellId="2" copyPrecedence="0" fetchUploadedFiles="0" getPrevRFCDetails="0" jobId="430196" runningJobId="0" uploadMode="1" useFailoverMA="0" useSnapJobId="1"/>]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 CvRemoteFileCacheClient::GetDetailsFromCS() - Result of SP [<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><App_GetRFCDetailsResp jobId="0" aFileId="0" aGroupNumber="0" backupSetGUID="6F8B28AA-A1F2-40C5-99AE-51DE7718B5F5" appId="15" clientName_RFCServer="pbackup" hostName_RFCServer="pbackup" cvdPort_RFCServer="8400" evmgrcPort_RFCServer="0" commCellId="2" appGUID="858BEE7C-A5D3-4A46-A059-1899C45EB38F" isRFCServerSelectedFirstTime="1" uploadingJobId="430196"><prevRFCDetails aFileId="0" aGroupNumber="0" commCellId="0" jobId="0"/></App_GetRFCDetailsResp>]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 CVOnDemandSvcClient::SubmitTask() - On Demand service CVODS_remotefilecacheserver_pbackup_1 launched at host pbackup*pbackup*8400. Unique ID is FCA176F0-A5A7-4D04-896F-C7FF17C69126
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 CVOnDemandSvcClient::Attach() - Successfully attached to on Demand service CVODS_remotefilecacheserver_pbackup_1 launched at host pbackup*pbackup*8400. Unique ID is FCA176F0-A5A7-4D04-896F-C7FF17C69126
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 CvRemoteFileCacheClient::UploadFiles Uploaded file [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\iDataAgent\VirtualServerAgent\2\15\vmcollect_430196.cvf.rfczip]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 vsJobMgr::setNumberOfVMsForProgressBar() - Number of VMs to use as reference for the progress bar [1]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::Run() - Successfully set job's reference time [1658368040]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 CVMWareInfo::DetectLocalVMGuid() - Bios Serial Number [2102311XBKN0KC000186]  UUID [FEF412EA-8446-AB61-EA11-C61F5E45E3AB]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 CVMWareInfo::CVMWareInfo() - VMInfo Focus:[Instance001] App:[vsbkp] JobId:[430196]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:20 430196 CVMWareInfo::Connect() - Connecting to Url=[https://vcsa.vsphere.local/sdk] User=[Administrator@vsphere.local]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:22 430196 CVIWrapper::Connect() - Connection successful with [https://vcsa.vsphere.local/sdk] [VMware vCenter Server 6.7.0 build-15129973]
47004 d1d0  07/21 08:47:22 430196 CVRemoteAgentServer::StartLocalAgent() - Starting Local Agent [pbackup]
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:22 430196 CVRemoteAgentClient::ConnectToLocalServer() - Attaching back to local server
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:22 430196 CVRemoteAgentClient::ConnectToLocalServer() - Attached to local server
47004 d1d0  07/21 08:47:22 430196 CVRemoteAgentServer::StartLocalAgent() - Started Agent [pbackup]
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:22 430196 VSBkpController::OnAgentStarted() - Agent has started
47004 d1d0  07/21 08:47:22 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::OnAgentStarted() - Agent [pbackup] has started
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:22 430196 CVMWareInfo::DetectLocalVMGuid() - Bios Serial Number [2102311XBKN0KC000186]  UUID [FEF412EA-8446-AB61-EA11-C61F5E45E3AB]
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:22 430196 CVMWareInfo::CVMWareInfo() - VMInfo Focus:[Instance001] App:[vsbkp] JobId:[430196]
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:22 430196 CVMWareInfo::Connect() - Connecting to Url=[https://vcsa.vsphere.local/sdk] User=[Administrator@vsphere.local]
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:22 430196 CVIWrapper::Connect() - Connection successful with [https://vcsa.vsphere.local/sdk] [VMware vCenter Server 6.7.0 build-15129973]
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:22 430196 VMFSSanInfo::ReadVMFSInfo() - Magic # not found on VMFS partition read from 2097152, found 0x0 expected 0xc001d00d
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:22 430196 VSController::GetLocalComputerInfo() - Detected 32 CPUs and 131072 MB of memory
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::OnMsgVMAgentStartup() - Agent [pbackup] has initialized
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::CalculateStreamLimitForAgent() - Agent [pbackup] stream limit is cpu bound to [320] streams
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::OnMsgVMAgentStartup() - Agent [pbackup] is running on a physical machine.   Agent Address: [,] Subnets: [,]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::OnMsgVMAgentStartup() - Agent [pbackup] has access to [38] san datastores
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::OnIdle_Starting() - All Agents have initialized
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpController::OnMsgReceived() - Message [VirtualServer_VMAgentInit] received from Server
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::DistributeVMsToAgents() - Adding VM [catdbhanadev] on [] to Agent [pbackup] (San Datastore match)
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::DistributeVMsToAgents() - Agent [pbackup] has 1 VMs (1 static)  1 max streams
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::OrderVMPriorityList() - -= VM Priority List =-
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::DispatchVMLists() - Sending Static VM list to [pbackup] with [1] VMs
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::GiveVMsToAgent() - Sending [1] VMs to agent [pbackup]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::GiveVMsToAgent() - Sending VM [catdbhanadev] to agent [pbackup]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::DispatchStreams() - There are [1] streams to be dispatched
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpController::OnMsgReceived() - Message [VirtualServer_VMCollectList] received from Server
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpController::OnMsgVMCollectList() - Received [1] VMs
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpController::OnMsgVMCollectList() - Received VM [catdbhanadev]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::UpdateStreamInfo() - Added StreamId = 2, RCID = 397563, ReservationId = 317490, MediaAgentId = 2, InUse = 0
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::DumpStreamInfo() - StreamId = 2, RCID = 397563, ReservationId = 317490, MediaAgent = [pbackup], Agent = []  [Available]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::SelectAgentForStream() - Selecting agent [pbackup] for stream as it has [0] streams, [1] VMs remaining and is using 0% of its stream resources
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::GiveStreamToAgent() - Sending Stream Id [2] RCID [397563] to agent [pbackup]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::ExchangeStreamReservationForClient() - Not Exchanging reservation on stream RCID [397563] as it is already reserved on [2][pbackup]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::GiveStreamToAgent() - Number of streams allocated for the agent [pbackup] are [1]
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpController::OnMsgReceived() - Message [VirtualServer_VMBackupStream] received from Server
47004 69f4  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpController::OnMsgVMBackupStream() - Received stream ID [2] RCID [397563], [1] available, [0] open
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpController::OpenStream() - Opening stream # [1] of [1]  Stream Id [2] RCID [397563] ReservationId [317490] ClientId [2]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CVArchive::Construct() - Constructing CVArchive Object. This=0000021F2FB99400
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CVArchive::Construct() - Enable CVArchive Big Buffer [true] [perf-update interval 600 seconds]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 JM Client  CVJobClient::initialize(): Got remote host [pbackup].
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpWorker::WorkerThread() - Worker [0] started
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpController::_GetNextVM() - Returning VM [catdbhanadev]
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpWorker::WorkerThread() - Worker [0] Processing VM [0] [catdbhanadev]
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:47:23 430197 VSBkpWorker::ProcessVM Processing VM [catdbhanadev] AppId 158 using child job 430197 and parent job 430196
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CVMWareInfo::DetectLocalVMGuid() - Bios Serial Number [2102311XBKN0KC000186]  UUID [FEF412EA-8446-AB61-EA11-C61F5E45E3AB]
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CVMWareInfo::CVMWareInfo() - VMInfo Focus:[Instance001] App:[vsbkp] JobId:[430196]
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CVMWareInfo::Connect() - Connecting to Url=[https://vcsa.vsphere.local/sdk] User=[Administrator@vsphere.local]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CVArchive::LookupPipelineInfo() - Incoming SIDBStoreId: 0
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CVArchive::getPipelineMode() - Using default pipeline mode [SDT] for [Bkp] pipe
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CVArchive::LookupPipelineInfo() - New block alignment enabled for this client
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CVIWrapper::Connect() - Connection successful with [https://vcsa.vsphere.local/sdk] [VMware vCenter Server 6.7.0 build-15129973]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CVSingleInstTarget[0] singleInstLvl[0] sigWhere[0] sigScheme[0] singleInstMinObjSizeKB[0] compressWhere[0] encType[0] rsaKeys[0] Flag[103] rsrcConsumerId[397563] CloudLaptopClnt[0]
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:47:23 430196 vsJobMgr::updateVMBkpJobStatus() - Sending VM status for [1] virtual machines
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 Configuring Compression for DataType 1
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CVArchive::ConfigureBlockAlignment() - Block alignment is not supported for this iDA (m_appType=106)
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 Configuring Encryption for DataType 1
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 Current pipeline module configuration: compression [0][CV_COMPRESS_SOURCE], signature [0][CV_SIGNATURE_NOWHERE] and encryption [0][CV_ENCRYPT_NOWHERE]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 N/w agents configured before/after firewall check = [2/2]. Firewalled = 0
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CVArchive::StartPipeline() - StartPipeline SI configuration -[srcClientName - pbackup] Block Level [false], Block Size [128], File Level [false], Min Signature Size [0]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CPipelayer::InitiatePipeline Initiating SDT connection [0000021F49011A10] from pbackup:8400(pbackup) to pbackup:8400(pbackup)
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CPipelayer::InitiatePipeline compressionType [CV_COMPRESS], compressWhere [CV_COMPRESS_SOURCE]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CPipelayer::InitiatePipeline encryptionType [CV_NO_ENCRYPT], encryptionWhere [CV_ENCRYPT_NOWHERE]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CPipelayer::InitiatePipeline signatureType [CV_NO_SIGNATURE], signatureWhere [CV_SIGNATURE_NOWHERE]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CPipelayer::InitiatePipeline Lan-Free - 1
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CPipelayer::InitiatePipeline Num Buffers [90], Buffer size [65536]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CvFwClient::connectDirectly(): Connected to pbackup:8400/8400 using direct system connect
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CPipelayer::connectToDest Connected pipeline to (pbackup)pbackup:8400/8400, ConType 1 (Direct), Proxy []
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CPipelayer::InitiatePipeline SDT is using socket 3280 for connection 1/2
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CPipelayer::InitiatePipeline SDT Pipeline ID is [SDTPipe_pbackup_pbackup_430196_1658368043_47004_45824_0000021F49011A10]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 SdtNetLink() - WAN Padding is OFF
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 ###### Single Threaded Head [false]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 SdtBase::cfgComp() - LZO init retVal [0]. Spill buf size [2048] bytes
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 SdtNetLink::setSocket() - Switching socket 3280 to non-blocking mode.
47004 8e9c  07/21 08:47:23 430196 JobStatusWorker Setting proxy Connection stats for job: [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><CNSession_cvsJobNetworkInfo jobId="430196" mangledHostname="pbackup*pbackup*8400"><networkInfo connectionType="1" proxy=""/></CNSession_cvsJobNetworkInfo>]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 SdtNetLink::authenticate() - Connection authenticated successfully
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 ###### Object hash type set to 0
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 ###### SdtBase::InitWrkPool: Initializing SDT head thread pool
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 ###### Max head thread count set to 32. CPU # = 32
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 ###### Threads per connection set to 16
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 ###### Initial max. threads set to 32
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 ###### SdtBase::InitWrkPool: Successfully initialized Head SDT thread pool
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 MODULE_SEQUENCE Adding compression at index [1] RCId [397563]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 SdtBase::cfgProcs() - Total Bufs=90, allocators=1
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 SdtBase::cfgProcs() - Free Bufs [90]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 SdtBase::cfgProcs() - Free Bufs [0]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 SdtBase::cfgProcs() - Free Bufs [0]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 SdtBase::cfgProcs() - Free Bufs [0]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 Switching socket 3280 (1/2) to non-blking mode. RCId [397563]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CPipelayer::FattenSdt Fattening SDT pipe by 1 more connection(s).
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CvFwClient::connectDirectly(): Connected to pbackup:8400/8400 using direct system connect
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CPipelayer::connectToDest Connected pipeline to (pbackup)pbackup:8400/8400, ConType 1 (Direct), Proxy []
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CPipelayer::FattenSdt SDT is using socket 3328 for connection 2/2
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 Switching socket 3328 (2/2) to non-blking mode. RCId [397563]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 InitializePerfCounters() - Initializing Perf counters message[Pipeline-ID - 397563] [Starttime - 1658368043] [Starttime UTC - 1658342843]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CCVAPipelayer::SendCommandToDSBackup() - Sent Command 158 to MediaAgent, Waiting for Response...
47004 5608  07/21 08:47:23 430196 SdtBase::SetNwCrcProps: Enabled n/w crc on SdtHead. [Using slice-by-8] RCId [397563]
47004 5608  07/21 08:47:23 ###### SdtHead::onProcDataCompleted: SDT Head Timeout is set to [-1] secs
47004 5608  07/21 08:47:23 ###### SdtBase::procBuffer: SDT Head Check CRC after network send is set to [0]
47004 8d3c  07/21 08:47:23 430196 JobStatusWorker Setting proxy Connection stats for job: [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><CNSession_cvsJobNetworkInfo jobId="430196" mangledHostname="pbackup*pbackup*8400"><networkInfo connectionType="1" proxy=""/><networkInfo connectionType="1" proxy=""/></CNSession_cvsJobNetworkInfo>]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 [PIPELAYER  ] Tail response = Get PL_SET_NETWORK_CRC_PROPS Message Status = 0 dwCode = 0 MsgType = 16 MsgSubType = 158 EventError = 0
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:23 430196 CCVAPipelayer::SendCommandToDSBackup() - Sent Command 136 to MediaAgent, Waiting for Response...
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:47:23 430196 VSBkpController::GetIndexClient() - Opening Indexing connection
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:47:23 430196 IDXBROWSECL Sending init request [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><databrowse_BrowseRequest opType="0" pathType="0"><entity _type_="0" applicationId="106" clientId="6" commCellId="2" name="catdbhanadev" subclientId="158"/><paths path="\"/><timeRange fromTime="0" toTime="0"/><options DoNotCacheFilters="0" PreferContentServer="0" adjustPerLastDRTime="0" browseFromCSDB="0" bulkOperation="0" bypassSubclientConfig="1" caseInsensitive="0" caseManagerDataCopy="0" createRestoreVectors="0" cycleBrowse="0" disableSnapOptimizer="0" doPrediction="0" downloadSystemScan="0" downloadTrueUpStubScanOutput="0" enforceSuperBrowse="0" fetchFileProperties="0" folderDelete="0" fsExtentBrowse="0" getACLs="0" hideEmptyExtents="0" imageBrowse="0" includeAgedData="0" includeAllParents="0" includeCheckSum="0" includeEndUserErasedItems="0" includeExtentCRC="0" includeMetadata="1" includeRunningJobs="0" includeSoftCommittedJobs="0" includeVersions="0" instantSend="0" internalReq="0" isOneTouchRestore="0" machineLiveBrowse="0" nasFilerType="0" nasSynthDirRestore="2" nasSynthRestore="0" nonRecursiveNASRestore="0" onePassRedundancy="0" onePassStubQuery="0" prepareSystemScan="0" pruneFromSource="0" queryAgedArchiveFileData="0" reCreateRestoreVector="0" refCopy="0" refCopyCloudMigration="0" refCopySF="0" relationshipBrowse="0" restoreIndex="1" sendBackListOfAfiles="0" sendOutputToFile="0" sharedFolderBrowse="0" showDeletedFiles="0" showFolderSize="0" showOnlyDeleted="0" showThumbnail="0" skipDataPrediction="0" skipIndexRestore="0" skipInvalidMimeClassification="0" skipLatestVersion="0" skipMountPoints="0" skipNasRenamedDirs="0" skipProgressMessage="0" skipSynthFullJobs="0" synthFull="0" tableViewBrowse="0" translateSyncPath="0" translateToVMReq="0" useLatestCycle="0" useUptoDateIndexOnly="1" verifyArchiverQuery="0" viewBackupCopy="0" vsDiskBrowse="1" vsExtentBrowse="0" vsFileBrowse="0" vsListVMs="0" vsLiveSyncBrowse="0" vsVolumeBrowse="0" vsaFileLevelRestore="0"/><mode mode="4"/><advOptions applyStrictACL="0" copyPrecedence="0" includePsuedoItems="0" retryLimit="0" retryWaitSecs="300" skipACLChecks="0" skipUptodateCheck="0" stubAsData="0" timeoutSecs="300" validateAfiles="0" vmCentricClient="0"/><queries queryId="0" type="0"><dataParam><paging firstNode="0" pageSize="4294967295" skipNode="0"/></dataParam></queries></databrowse_BrowseRequest>] to CS
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:24 430196 [PIPELAYER  ] Tail response = dsBackup initialization success Status = 0 dwCode = 0 MsgType = 16 MsgSubType = 136 EventError = 0
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:24 430196 CCVAPipelayer::InitializeBackupPipeline() - Disabling Client-Side-Deduplication SignatureWhere:0
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:24 430196 CCVAPipelayer::InitializeBackupPipeline() - Sent Command PL_INIT_SIGNATURE to MediaAgent [Client name - pbackup] [SIDBStoreId - 0] [isClientSideDedupEnabled - No] [CacheDBSize - 0 MB] [Cache-buffer-size - 0 KB][Compress-enabled - Yes] [latencyOptimizeEnabled - No]
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:24 430196 CCVAPipelayer::SendCommandToDSBackup() - Sent Command 319 to MediaAgent, Waiting for Response...
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:24 430196 [PIPELAYER  ] Tail response = signature initialization success Status = 0 dwCode = 0 MsgType = 16 MsgSubType = 319 EventError = 0
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:24 430196 JM Client  CVJobClient::initialize(): Got remote host [pbackup].
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:24 430196 JM Client  CVBkpJobClient::init(): Initializing job object with token [430196:4:1:0:0:44607].
47004 b300  07/21 08:47:24 430196 VSBkpController::OpenStream() - Opened stream id [2] rcid [397563] stream # [1] of [1]
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:47:25 430196 vsIndexClient::InitIdxBrowseClient() - Successfully initialized idxBrowse connection
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:47:25 430196 CVOnDemandSvcClient::SubmitTask() - On Demand service CVODS_indexserver_pbackup_1 launched at host pbackup*pbackup*8400. Unique ID is C8CE1D4A-414C-4DE5-9726-80B89B666944
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:47:25 430196 CVOnDemandSvcClient::Attach() - Successfully attached to on Demand service CVODS_indexserver_pbackup_1 launched at host pbackup*pbackup*8400. Unique ID is C8CE1D4A-414C-4DE5-9726-80B89B666944
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:33 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::OnIdle_Running() - Waiting for [1] VMs to be processed.  [catdbhanadev]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:33 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::DumpStreamInfo() - StreamId = 2, RCID = 397563, ReservationId = 317490, MediaAgent = [pbackup], Agent = [pbackup]  [Assigned]
47004 e040  07/21 08:47:54 430196 vsJobMgr::updateRegularBkpProgressBar() - Updating the progress bar [1]
47004 da54  07/21 08:52:20 430196 TPool [CVRemoteAgentServer]. Ser# [0] Tot [1], Pend [0], Comp [1], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time [41.36 ms], Avg Wait Time [5.92 ms]
47004 da54  07/21 08:52:20 430196 TPool [SdtHeadThPool]. Tot [3], Pend [0], Comp [3], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time [2.48 ms], Avg Wait Time [33.63 us]
47004 e040  07/21 08:52:34 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::OnIdle_Running() - Waiting for [1] VMs to be processed.  [catdbhanadev]
47004 e040  07/21 08:52:34 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::DumpStreamInfo() - StreamId = 2, RCID = 397563, ReservationId = 317490, MediaAgent = [pbackup], Agent = [pbackup]  [Assigned]
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:53:03 430196 IDXBROWSECL Retrying Browse after [30] secs as Index is temporarily unavailable. Received response [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><databrowse_BrowseResponse doClientSideSortingAndPaging="0" respType="3" workerId="645"><session sessionId="1658368044-645"/><messages errorCode="10" errorMessage="Index Reconstruction is in progress, please wait"/></databrowse_BrowseResponse>]
47004 da54  07/21 08:57:20 430196 TPool [SdtHeadThPool]. Tot [0], Pend [0], Comp [0], Max Par [0], Avg Work Time [0.00 s], Avg Wait Time [0.00 s]
47004 e040  07/21 08:57:44 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::OnIdle_Running() - Waiting for [1] VMs to be processed.  [catdbhanadev]
47004 e040  07/21 08:57:44 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::DumpStreamInfo() - StreamId = 2, RCID = 397563, ReservationId = 317490, MediaAgent = [pbackup], Agent = [pbackup]  [Assigned]
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:59:03 430196 vsIndexClient::ShouldRetryBrowse() - Browse encountered errors, error messages are below
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:59:03 430196 vsIndexClient::ShouldRetryBrowse() - ERROR: Browse error [10] [Index Reconstruction is in progress, please wait]
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:59:03 430196 vsIndexClient::GetVMMetadata() - Browse for VM [500d4f64-6259-f6ab-e911-cd6006b72c7e] will be retried
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:59:03 430196 VSBkpWorker::ProcessVM() - Failed to query VM [catdbhanadev] Metadata from previous index.
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:59:03 430196 VSBkpWorker::HandleVMComplete_Status() - Error while backing up VM [catdbhanadev], backup will be retried on the next attempt
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:59:03 430196 vsJobMgr::updateVMBkpJobStatus() - Sending VM status for [1] virtual machines
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:04 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::OnMsgVMBackupResult() - Received Status [0] for VM [catdbhanadev] from [pbackup]
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:59:04 430196 VSBkpController::SendGetNextVM() - Requesting Next VM from coordinator
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:04 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::OnIdle_Running() - All VMs have been processed, stopping agents
47004 69f4  07/21 08:59:04 430196 VSBkpController::OnMsgReceived() - Message [VirtualServer_VMAgentQuit] received from Server
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:04 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::OnMsgVMBackupGetNextVM() - GetNextVM Request from [pbackup]
47004 69f4  07/21 08:59:04 430196 VSBkpController::OnMsgVMAgentQuit() - Received Quit message from coordinator
47004 9f7c  07/21 08:59:14 430196 VSBkpWorker::WorkerThread() - Worker [0] exiting
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:15 430196 VSBkpController::StopAllWorkers() - All workers have stopped
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:15 430196 VSBkpController::StopAllWorkers() - Finished stopping all workers
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:15 430196 VSBkpController::ControllerThread() - All [1] VMs have been processed
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:15 430196 VSBkpController::CloseAndReturnStreams() - Returning 1 streams
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:15 430196 VSBkpController::CloseAndReturnStreams() - Closing 1 streams
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:15 430196 VSBkpController::CloseStream() - Closing stream # [1].
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:15 430196 CVArchive::ClosePipeline() - Resetting allocated stream
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:15 430196 CCVAPipelayer::ClosePipeline() - About to destroy Data Mover
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:15 430196 CCVAPipelayer::SendCommandToDSBackup() - Sent Command 133 to MediaAgent, Waiting for Response...
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 [PIPELAYER  ] Tail response = DataMover destroyed Status = 0 dwCode = 0 MsgType = 16 MsgSubType = 133 EventError = 0
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 CCVAPipelayer::SendCommandToDSBackup() - Sent Command 2 to MediaAgent, Waiting for Response...
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 [PIPELAYER  ] Tail response = Tail Generated STOP_PL and ready to Terminate Status = 0 dwCode = 0 MsgType = 4 MsgSubType = 2 EventError = 0
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 CPipelayer::ShutdownPipeline() - stat- SDT [0000021F49011A10] [duration - 722 seconds]
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 CPipelayer::ShutdownPipeline() - SDT [0000021F49011A10] Shutdown completed.
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 SdtBase::relRef: Going to delete SdtBase as ref count is down to 0. RCId [397563]
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 SdtBase is being destroyed. RCId [397563]
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 Name [Head], Start Delay [721.93 s], Avg [120.32 s], Procsng Time [522.00 us], Avg [87.00 us], Bytes [57.46 KB], Speed [107.49 MB/s], Samples [6] RCId [397563]
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 Name [Head Compression], Start Delay [439.30 us], Avg [73.22 us], Procsng Time [199.90 us], Avg [33.32 us], Bytes [57.46 KB], Speed [280.70 MB/s], Samples [6] RCId [397563]
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 Name [Head CRC32], Start Delay [1.90 us], Avg [316.67 ns], Procsng Time [3.38 ms], Avg [563.73 us], Bytes [57.47 KB], Speed [16.59 MB/s], Samples [6] RCId [397563]
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 Name [Head Network], Start Delay [40.40 us], Avg [6.73 us], Procsng Time [4.34 ms], Avg [722.60 us], Bytes [57.47 KB], Speed [12.94 MB/s], Samples [6] RCId [397563]
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 Performing graceful connection termination RCId [397563]
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 Closing all sockets. RCId [397563]
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 ~CVArchive() - Destroying CVArchive. This=0000021F2FB99400
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 ###### SdtTailSrvPool::Rel: Resetting SrvPool as ref. count is 0.
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpController::CloseStream() - Closed stream id [2] rcid [397563]
47004 b300  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpController::ReturnStream() - Returning Stream Id [2] RCID [397563] ReservationId [317490] ClientId [2]
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::OnMsgVMBackupStream() - Agent [pbackup] has returned StreamId [2], RCID [397563], ReservationId[317490]
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::DispatchStreams() - There are [1] streams to be dispatched
47004 69f4  07/21 08:59:25 430196 ID [GetNextVM], Total Time [10.008538] Sec(s)
47004 69f4  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpController::OnAgentStopped() - Controller is stopping
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::DumpStreamInfo() - StreamId = 2, RCID = 397563, ReservationId = 317490, MediaAgent = [pbackup], Agent = []  [Available]
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::DispatchStreams() - No Agent selected for stream, stream will be released.  [0] streams are assigned.
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::DispatchStreams() - Holding Stream Id [2] reservation on last stream
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::ExchangeStreamReservationForClient() - Not Exchanging reservation on stream RCID [397563] as it is already reserved on [2][pbackup]
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::OnAgentStopped() - Agent [pbackup] has stopped
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 CVRemoteAgentServer::MonitorAgents() - There are no running agents
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::Run() - VM catdbhanadev              --> PENDING                     Failed to get the index information from previous backup
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::Run() - ===== JOB SUMMARY REPORT BACKUP PHASE =====
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::Run() - Total VMs to backup           [1]
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::Run() -       VMs pending             [1]
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::Run() - ===========================================
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::Run() - all VMs reported an error, failing the job.
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 JOBRESULTSTABLE(C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\4301 removing copy 'C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\430196'
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::UpdateJobManagerVMList_FailPendingVMs() - Marking [1] VM as failed
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 vsJobMgr::updateVMBkpJobStatus() - Sending VM status for [1] virtual machines
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 VSBkpCoordinator::DeleteVMCollectFile() - Deleted VMCollect file: [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\iDataAgent\VirtualServerAgent\2\15\vmcollect_430196.cvf]
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:25 430196 BKP CALLED COMPLETE (JOB Status::FAIL), 430196. Token [430196:4:1:0:0:44607]
47004 de40  07/21 08:59:28 430196 CVJobCtrlLog::unregisterProcess(): successfully removed file [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\JobControl\47.004]
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:28 430196 CVMWareInfo::ShutdownVMInfo() - VMDiskInfo::Shutdown complete
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:28 430196 CVMWareInfo::ShutdownVMInfo() - CVISDKCppBridge::Cleanup complete
47004 5e0c  07/21 08:59:28 430196 CVDTerminationHandler::_WaitForCVDAliveMutex() - CVD Alive Check Quit Event Signaled
47004 e040  07/21 08:59:28 430196 = [vsbkp] has exited [BACKUP PHASE]

Best answer by Damian Andre

There seems to be damage to the index database, and it looks like the self-heal capability (index reconstruction) is in progress. Its not clear if its progressing or stuck as that information is contained throughout other log files.


47004 9f7c  07/21 08:59:03 430196 vsIndexClient::ShouldRetryBrowse() - ERROR: Browse error [10] [Index Reconstruction is in progress, please wait]


You can open indexstate.log on your MA/VSA pbackup for more details.

It may just be a matter of waiting to see if the reconstruction completes, or there could be something else going on preventing the recon from completing. 

View original
Did this answer your question?

8 replies

  • Vaulter
  • 630 replies
  • July 20, 2022

Good morning.  Can you please update with which feature release you are currently running?

  • Author
  • 7 replies
  • July 21, 2022
Orazan wrote:

Good morning.  Can you please update with which feature release you are currently running?


Damian Andre
  • Vaulter
  • 1229 replies
  • Answer
  • July 21, 2022

There seems to be damage to the index database, and it looks like the self-heal capability (index reconstruction) is in progress. Its not clear if its progressing or stuck as that information is contained throughout other log files.


47004 9f7c  07/21 08:59:03 430196 vsIndexClient::ShouldRetryBrowse() - ERROR: Browse error [10] [Index Reconstruction is in progress, please wait]


You can open indexstate.log on your MA/VSA pbackup for more details.

It may just be a matter of waiting to see if the reconstruction completes, or there could be something else going on preventing the recon from completing. 

  • Author
  • 7 replies
  • July 22, 2022
Damian Andre wrote:

There seems to be damage to the index database, and it looks like the self-heal capability (index reconstruction) is in progress. Its not clear if its progressing or stuck as that information is contained throughout other log files.


47004 9f7c  07/21 08:59:03 430196 vsIndexClient::ShouldRetryBrowse() - ERROR: Browse error [10] [Index Reconstruction is in progress, please wait]


You can open indexstate.log on your MA/VSA pbackup for more details.

It may just be a matter of waiting to see if the reconstruction completes, or there could be something else going on preventing the recon from completing. 

Hi Damian Andre,
It’s look like recon stuck.

What should i do ?
20600 5eb4  07/19 17:33:52 ### DB [726517DB-B217-4E4C-997F-6B9A778FB346] - Engine [1] - Status [IDX_DB_RECONSTRUCTION] - ReconJobcount [18420]
20600 6788  07/20 11:20:53 ### DB [726517DB-B217-4E4C-997F-6B9A778FB346] - Engine [1] - Status [IDX_DB_RECONSTRUCTION] - ReconJobcount [16070]
20600 580c  07/20 20:31:17 ### DB [726517DB-B217-4E4C-997F-6B9A778FB346] - Engine [1] - Status [IDX_DB_RECONSTRUCTION] - ReconJobcount [14436]
20600 53e0  07/21 08:47:39 ### DB [726517DB-B217-4E4C-997F-6B9A778FB346] - Engine [1] - Status [IDX_DB_RECONSTRUCTION] - ReconJobcount [12715]

Mike Struening

@O'Conner , following up on older threads.  Did the recon job un-stick?  Let me know if this is still an issue.


Mike Struening

@O'Conner , I’m marking this as closed as we haven’t heard from you in a while.

If you have another solution you enacted, or if the issue continues, please let me know.

  • Bit
  • 1 reply
  • March 23, 2023

@Mike Struening RETIRED greetings Mike!

currently we facing this issue. Vm backup failed . Error says backup failed to get the index information from previous backup.  
Indexstate log says reconstruction failed.

also this issue started when Hyper v team started changing the host for few Vm’s.. however all vm’s completed except one which says above error.


here full backup of that VM is getting successful , incremental backup causing issue . Hence tried full VM backup first then index backup manually triggered. Then incremental VM backup .

still same issue. Please suggest the fix apart from reconfiguration.


  • Bit
  • 1 reply
  • November 1, 2023

Is there any solution to resolve the subjected issues? even my environment few VMs snapshot incremental backup got failed due to “Failed to get the index information from previous backup”


Please share if you have solutions. 

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