We have 2 Windows Commvault Servers.
Previously, none of them could do a LiveBrowse for Windows VMs during a Guest Files and Folders restore task. After we put Commvault exclusion on our anti-virus (SentinelOne), and turned off Firewalls on them, the LiveBrowse is now working on Windows Commvault Server No.1, but still not working on the Windows Commvault Server No.2 which always fails with LiveBrowse error code -6, failed to initialize VM disks.
The 2 Servers are very similar except that
- The No. 1 uses local disks as disk library, whereas No. 1 uses a NAS as disk library.
- The No. 1 Commvault is 11.20, whereas No. 2 Commvault version is 11.14
Just to see if the NAS is the issue for No. 2, I’ve setup a local drive as disk library for a test backup, followed by a LiveBrowse restore, but failed again with the same error message.
I’ve logged a case with Commvault support, but the engineer couldn’t figure out why either so he has decided to escalate the case, however, I was told to upgrade the No. 2 to at least version 16…
Since there is an imminent backup system refresh on the way, so I’d prefer to keep things simple for now, therefore, I wonder if anyone on this forum could point me to some right direction, without me having to plan an upgrade ?
Many thanks,
Part of the error information in Browse.log writes as below
22648 7764 03/15 15:21:07 ### BrowseRequestHandler::processBrowseRequest() - START - browse request with worker id [55]
22648 7764 03/15 15:21:07 ### RESTOREIDX browse accessing index 'D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\IndexCache\CV_Index\2\30\1615400239'
22648 7764 03/15 15:21:07 ### RESTORE restore: all components indices required are in the cache
22648 7764 03/15 15:21:07 ### RESTORE open directory [D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\IndexCache\CV_Index\2\30\1615400239] to check for metadata collection flag
22648 7764 03/15 15:21:07 ### BrowseVirtualServer() This is Virtual Server EXTENT browse and the backup type is DISK backup
22648 7764 03/15 15:21:07 ### VirtualServerExtentBrowse::Browse() Virtual server Extent browse - changing emFunction from [4] to [7]
22648 7764 03/15 15:21:07 ### EMHANDLER Parent node (15) was found for Subclient '', Path='\5006bb64-d4a7-2e4f-a840-178ed2b3f384\scsi0-0-ML-RAS3.vmdk'.
22648 7764 03/15 15:21:07 ### SEARCHFORCHILDREN Query [0], 101 nodes were found in Ctree. 100 nodes were qualified after filtering
22648 7764 03/15 15:21:07 ### BrowseRequestHandler::processBrowseRequest() - END - browse request with worker id [55]
22648 43a8 03/15 15:21:07 ### VMLivebrowseClient::ExecuteRemoteCall() - [VMLivebrowse] Received response back from Live browse.
22648 43a8 03/15 15:21:07 ### VMLivebrowseClient::MountVM() - [VMLivebrowse] Remote error during [MountVM] : 234881285, Failed to intialize VM disks
22648 43a8 03/15 15:21:07 ### VMLivebrowseClient::FileSystemEnumerateItems() - [VMLivebrowse] Failed to mount VM [5006bb64-d4a7-2e4f-a840-178ed2b3f384]
22648 43a8 03/15 15:21:07 ### LiveBrowseVirtualServer() Live browse enumeration Enumeration failed: 234881285 Failed to intialize VM disks
22648 43a8 03/15 15:21:07 ### VMLivebrowseClient::ExecuteRemoteCall() - [VMLivebrowse] Host name : [mil-commvault-2.ccloud.neopost.com*mil-commvault-2*8400*8402]
22648 43a8 03/15 15:21:07 ### VMLivebrowseClient::ExecuteRemoteCall() - [VMLivebrowse] Received response back from Live browse.
22648 43a8 03/15 15:21:07 ### LiveBrowseVirtualServer() Live browse Enumeration for count completed successfully.
22648 43a8 03/15 15:21:07 ### BrowseVirtualServer() LiveBrowse failed with error code -6.
22648 43a8 03/15 15:21:07 ### EMCALL ERROR: emGetChildrenImageLevelPage() failed with code[-6]
22648 43a8 03/15 15:21:07 ### RESTORE external handler failed with code -6
22648 43a8 03/15 15:21:07 ### BrowseRequestHandler::browse() - browse request failed
22648 43a8 03/15 15:21:07 ### released session [mil-commvault-2.ccloud.neopost.com*mil-commvault-2*8400*8402:BrowseRouter] to pool
7120 86a0 03/15 15:21:07 ### FBCSWORKER received response from media agent
22648 43a8 03/15 15:21:07 ### BrowseRequestHandler::processBrowseRequest() - END - browse request with worker id [52]
7120 86a0 03/15 15:21:07 ### FBCSWORKER Warning: Prediction failed for worker id [52]
7120 86a0 03/15 15:21:07 ### FBCSWORKER END - browse request with worker id [52]