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HI Team, can someone advice the error below? why i encounter this recently? I running the Backup Copy from secondary snap copy to primary backup copy.  

OS mount failed : :VMWare Mount snapshot failed d0xEC02ECC3:{VMwareSnapOSUtil::MountSnap(2007)/MM.60611-Error mounting the snapshot LUNs because there are multiple copies present.}] (MM.60611)]
Source: adr-ma-001, Process: vsbkpOS mount failed : :VMWare Mount snapshot failed d0xEC02ECC3:{VMwareSnapOSUtil::MountSnap(2007)/MM.60611-Error mounting the snapshot LUNs because there are multiple copies present.}] (MM.60611)]
Source: adr-ma-001, Process: vsbkp

Hello @Raj Balaraj,

Typically I’ve seen this error when running backup copies from multiple subclients that share the same datastore and are running at the same time.  The issue is usually resolved by adjusting subclient content or changing the backup schedule. Here is a document for best practices I hope this helps.

@Gil S but this backup schedule run from Policy. mean i create the backup schedule and assign it to sub client right? currently this issue only face for secondary to primary which is different storage. i have 2 subclient for same policy. 

I have run the schedule by change the reader from maximum to 1 at a time at schedule advance setting and i have 0 error. Thanks :)

This are the solutions. 
