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Vanilla k8s etcd backup

  • November 25, 2022
  • 5 replies



Vanilla k8s 1.23 cluster and etcd backup : 


34816 8800 11/25 04:28:33 4570483 vsAppMgr::GetSubClientFilters() - VM Filter: []
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:33 4570483 vsJobMgr::initBackupMetadaCollectionDefault() - IndexingV2 is enabled. Metadata collection is not supported.
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:33 4570483 ::GetSubclientDir() - The subclient directory is [/opt/commvault/iDataAgent/jobResults/2/2106].
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:33 4570483 CvUCS::init_static() - Native charset="UTF-8".
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:33 4570483 CvUCS::init_static() - Great! This system is using ISO/IEC 10646 character set for wchar_t. We will not be using iconv() API and will be converting between MBE and UTF/UCS using C MBR functions.
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:33 4570483 CvUCS::init_static() - MBE happens to be UTF-8. Will use strcpy for MBE<=>UTF-8 conversion.
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:33 4570483 CK8sInfo::Connect() - Connecting to server:
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:35 4570483 CK8sInfo::Connect() - kubernetes master version v1.23.7
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:35 4570483 VSDisc::DiscoverVMs() - --- Discovering VMs ---
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:35 4570483 VSDisc::ProcessSubClientContent() - Processing Subclient [etcd (system generated)] Content
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:35 4570483 VSDisc::ProcessContent_Selector() - Found [0] VMs from Selector [Application:k8s-app=etcd -n openshift-etcd][Selector]
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:35 4570483 VSDisc::_ProcessContent_Item() - Discovered [0] VMs from item [Application:k8s-app=etcd -n openshift-etcd] on server []
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:35 4570483 VSDisc::ProcessContent_Item() - No Virtual Machines were found for [Selector] [Application:k8s-app=etcd -n openshift-etcd].
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:35 4570483 VSDisc::UnionVMCollectList() - Unioned [0] and [0] VMs to [0]
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:35 4570483 VSDisc::ProcessContent_Selector() - Found [0] VMs from Selector [Application:component=etcd -n kube-system][Selector]
34816 8800 11/25 04:28:35 4570483 VSDisc::_ProcessContent_Item() - Discovered [0] VMs from item [Application:component=etcd -n kube-system] on server []

Why it looks for openshift namespace? Is vanilla k8s cluster and etcd backup supported? 

5 replies

  • Vaulter
  • 630 replies
  • November 25, 2022

Good morning.  Can you please tell me which Feature Release you are on.  It looks like 1.23 was not supported until FR 11.26:



  • Author
  • Byte
  • 49 replies
  • November 25, 2022



Hi @lborek ,

Can you run command below please:

get pods -n kube-system

Best Regards,


  • Author
  • Byte
  • 49 replies
  • November 28, 2022
root@master1000:~# kubectl get pods -n kube-system
NAME                                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
calico-kube-controllers-664668d97-l7cbr                          1/1     Running   0               185d
calico-node-596w6                                                1/1     Running   0               4d22h
calico-node-82n7f                                                1/1     Running   0               4d22h
calico-node-hm989                                                1/1     Running   1 (5d12h ago)   180d
calico-node-mhbmt                                                1/1     Running   0               185d
calico-node-tsrxr                                                1/1     Running   0               185d
calico-node-xqg2l                                                1/1     Running   0               185d
calicopool-monitor-6c46cc79c9-kzhng                              1/1     Running   0               185d
cert-metrics-exporter-647bc5c6cb-qbmlt                           1/1     Running   0               185d
coredns-7fcb9c6bf9-2nfr5                                         1/1     Running   0               5d12h
coredns-7fcb9c6bf9-6zwjq                                         1/1     Running   0               5d12h
coredns-7fcb9c6bf9-c4sq4                                         1/1     Running   0               5d12h
coredns-7fcb9c6bf9-dbqkc                                         1/1     Running   0               5d12h
coredns-7fcb9c6bf9-df6vl                                         1/1     Running   0               5d12h
coredns-7fcb9c6bf9-hmqnn                                         1/1     Running   0               5d12h
coredns-7fcb9c6bf9-tbl7s                                         1/1     Running   0               5d12h
coredns-7fcb9c6bf9-zsmnv                                         1/1     Running   0               5d12h
filebeat-5wxc5                                                   1/1     Running   0               150d
filebeat-cn97r                                                   1/1     Running   0               150d
filebeat-gmqk8                                                   1/1     Running   0               4d22h
filebeat-p8hsn                                                   1/1     Running   0               4d22h
filebeat-t6hfj                                                   1/1     Running   2 (5d12h ago)   150d
filebeat-zcwnc                                                   1/1     Running   0               150d
kube-apiserver-05-dev-master1000                                 1/1     Running   0               185d
kube-apiserver-05-dev-master1001                                 1/1     Running   0               185d
kube-apiserver-05-dev-master1002                                 1/1     Running   0               185d
kube-controller-manager-05-dev-master1000                        1/1     Running   0               185d
kube-controller-manager-05-dev-master1001                        1/1     Running   0               185d
kube-controller-manager-05-dev-master1002                        1/1     Running   0               185d
kube-event-watcher-795ccc5b5d-dswjj                              1/1     Running   0               5d12h
kube-proxy-nglmv                                                 1/1     Running   0               4d22h
kube-proxy-rpjrs                                                 1/1     Running   0               185d
kube-proxy-thqd6                                                 1/1     Running   0               185d
kube-proxy-xdtxk                                                 1/1     Running   0               185d
kube-proxy-zbqh6                                                 1/1     Running   1 (5d12h ago)   180d
kube-proxy-zzsnj                                                 1/1     Running   0               4d22h
kube-scheduler-05-dev-master1000                                 1/1     Running   0               185d
kube-scheduler-05-dev-master1001                                 1/1     Running   0               185d
kube-scheduler-05-dev-master1002                                 1/1     Running   0               185d
kube-state-metrics-b57d7d4f7-rd8f4                               1/1     Running   0               5d12h
metrics-server-78f4d888f8-np6l5                                  1/1     Running   0               5d12h
node-exporter-hm4tg                                              1/1     Running   0               179d
node-exporter-hshbf                                              1/1     Running   0               4d22h
node-exporter-l6pmz                                              1/1     Running   0               179d
node-exporter-ljc2h                                              1/1     Running   0               179d
node-exporter-pn6gn                                              1/1     Running   1 (5d12h ago)   179d
node-exporter-whjjh                                              1/1     Running   0               4d22h
unbound-85c95fd45d-bhjgq                                         1/1     Running   3 (5d12h ago)   5d12h
unbound-85c95fd45d-vzmr2                                         1/1     Running   3 (5d12h ago)   5d12h

Currently we protect etcd using  etcdctl snapshot save command. Commvault implementation is dedicated to Open Shift release only? 



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