according to : Installing a Windows Custom Package Configured as a Self-Extracting Executable File (commvault.com)
It should be possible to use the /play parameter with the selfextracting CustomPackage.exe
Note: If you want to use a custom answer file during the installation, add the argument /play install.xml
to the above command, where install.xml
is the name of the custom answer file in the custom package
This doesn’t work for me. It is simply ignored and the installation is playing the install.xml included in the package.exe.
Any idea, how to update the install.xml contained in the .exe or add some parameters, like the gateway to be used during client registration, from the commandline ?
Can you tell me how to get an alternate / addiional install.xml into the package.exe ? (if this is required here)
Simply using 7zip is not working für me here.
I’m currently using V11.25.14
The only other option I see is to either create selfextracting packages for every possible target environment or unpack the archive and run setup.exe with additional command, which works for me as well, but requires more steps to implement.