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Hello Guys, appreciate if you could help me filling the xml file as im not good with xmls i’m migrating 300+ subclients from old vcsa to a new one i’ve used the below xml file however, i dont know where i can put the destination vcenter ?what other values should be filled in vm subclient cloning.<App_CloneSubClientRequest><cloneEntity><test1/><defaultBackupSet/><VMware/><Virtual Server/><vcenter-01/></cloneEntity><subClientProperties><subClientEntity><test1/></subClientEntity><content><path/></content><vmContent><children equalsOrNotEquals="1" name="test1" displayName="test1" type=""/> </vmContent></subClientProperties></App_CloneSubClientRequest> Thank you!
Just to verify.The subjected workflow only exports settings for a stg policy but no action is done on the source commcell. Hence all backups etc.continues to work as before?//Henke
Hello,We want to backup a big Metro Cluster with many volumes and NFS and CIFS shares using the snapdiff feature. We started with default subclient and configured some exclusions of shares where we do not want to create a snapshot. Each share is on a separate volume but we saw that snapshots are created on all volumes even on the volumes with excluded shares.How can we control the behaviour of creating snapshots on backuped shares (volumes) only?Thanks at all.
commvault DB2 Incremental backup is taking high time compared to full backup
Hi, we are looking for an report which reports the backup status of the exchange mailbox v2 agent. The normal Reports have no informations regardingd the following inforamtions: Skipped mailboxes Failed Mailboxes Completed mailboxes In the java gui only the archive backup juob sum report is working but with non inforamtions. In the command center also no detailed inforamtion. We need in the daily reporting an info which mailbox did not worked and which has skipped. Do you know any possibility for this ?
Hi,I would like to ask on how we can perform recovery of data from our offsite copy. We have CVfailover setup in our environment below are the options we need to perform. From Commcell console in Site A, How to recovery our data form offsite copy which is in a secondary storage of site B? When commserv in Site A went unavailable and the commserv server in site B become active after successful CVfailover. From commcell in Site B, how to recovery our data from primary and secondary storage in site A? and how to recovery our data from secondary storage in Site B when commcell servers and storage arrays in Site A a is also unavailable?Refer to the attached photo for the commcell environment. Appreciate a lot to anyone who will provide a response. rolan.
Hi all, one short question regarding hyper-v data reader and auxcopy to tape. When i´m using 10 Data readers during the vsa backup job and i would like to copy this job to tape did commvault user 1 Stream because its only one backup job or did commvault use 10 streams for the auxcopy. As i know for vmware i must take the vsa v2 agent to get multi streams for auxcopy but regarding hyper-v maybe you can give me an quick hint. Thanks
Hi,I'm trying to do a table level restore of postregsql from the production server to an auxiliary server.If i perform a database restore without selecting table level browse, the restore works correctly.Below are the screenshots of the restore job: This is the extract from the PostGresRestore.log:107062 1a252 10/20 11:17:18 933085 PostgresRestore::getArchiveFileIdsFromIndexForAJobV2() - totime = 0107062 1a252 10/20 11:17:19 933085 IDXBROWSECL Sending init request [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><databrowse_BrowseRequest opType="1" pathType="0"><entity _type_="0" applicationId="125" commCellId="2" subclientId="2567"/><paths path="/TblView"/><timeRange fromTime="0" toTime="0"/><options DoNotCacheFilters="0" PreferContentServer="0" adjustPerLastDRTime="0" browseFromCSDB="0" bulkOperation="0" bypassSubclientConfig="1" caseInsensitive="0" caseManagerDataCopy="0" createRestoreVectors="0" cycleBrowse="0" disableSnapOptimizer="0" doPred
HI @Emils I am facing same issue with oracle rac agent - where we have three node cluster for a database, if one node is down, the rac agent is not taking the available node for the backup. is there any config need to be changed?
Hi, someone has experience with Lenovo DE2000H and IntelliSnap, Lenovo DE2000H is a rebranded NetApp E-series 2812 storage