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I’ve looked at the list of destinations for cloud library and didn’t find Azure Gov. Cloud. We currently use Azure but will move to Azure Gov Cloud.Can I create a Cloud library in Azure Gov by just choose Azure and change the url? Or isn’t Azure Gov Supported as destination? BRHenke
Does anyone know of a method to show only ‘Un-selected’ within the alert wizard for ‘Data Protection’ jobs under the ‘Job Management’ Category? I see the checkbox for ‘Show only selected’ under the ‘Entities Selection’ section, but I am looking for the inverse of this to show all backup clients that have been unselected instead. This is to make sure that we are not missing any backup clients for alerting that have previously been deselected from this alert definition. Thank you
Hi, I will be very appreciate for help. Could not start server after restoring from Commvault backup > https://documentation.commvault.com/11.24/essential/87275_restoring_full_virtual_machines_for_vmware.htmlDuring the recovery process, a virtual machine with disks is created, but when the machine is started, the machine is reconfigured, as a result of which the server does not start and only the recovery windows mode appears.Windows server 2012 R2 version being restored. VMware ESXi 7.0.1Also backup is fine - I try form another backup and see the same problem I find error : Entering Required Firewall Settings for the VSA with VMware - but backup is working so it nor problem with connection. Extra information from logs:The Windows Dedupe content will backed up as OPTIMIZED_FOR_RESTORERESTOREIDX raw partition option and no stubs option remain disabledThe failed byte count does not include files that failed due to seek errorThis is NOT a WOW64 system state restoreIndexingV2 is enable
We have NDMP Multi Streaming backups enabled, however, not all subclients meet the criteria, specifically the directory size over 20GB factor;Multi Stream: Successfully determined contents of path [<info_redacted>]. FileCount:[32] DirectoryCount:[3204]1632 12dc 10/10 12:31:41 3127 Multi Stream: Volume [<info_redacted>] with size [4498793623552] and directory count [3204] has average directory size [1404117860.034956] less than [20 GB] (21474836480 bytes).Will be run on single stream as traditional NDMP backup.Is there an additional setting that allows the criteria to be ignored and thus multi stream?I am thinking sNDMPUseNetAppAutoStream , however, I believe this is just to overwrite the Java GUI settings and force Multi Streaming on subclients where it has not been enabled from the subclient properties.Thanks in advanced
Hi,I’m trying to configure the O365 mailbox backup, which using Azure AD. From BOL (FR20), I understands that the configuration only from Command Center. But there is also configuration from CommCell console below the topic. The reason why I want to configure through Console is that I want to use existing storage policy. If I configure through Command Center, I need to create a plan, which also require its own ddb. I don’t have any disk for new ddb, hence I want to use existing SP with ddb.So can I follow the console configuration (which got lot more steps), or I can only configure through CommandCenter?regards,Fauzi
Are there any command line (qscript?) methods to query the state of a MediaAgent (on-line/maintenance mode)?From time to time things get busy at the end of a maintenance window and the MA is stranded in maintenance mode. I’d like to scan all MAs at the end of the business day and flag any that are in maintenance mode, or put them into service.Thanks.Marc
Hello al, i’m wondering how to add more of these green Squares to a connector for better formating.can you tell me how?Thanks and GreetingsJacob
When I try to restore any database that was backed up using Commvault / Intellisnap operation, I get an error indicating the disk is in Read Only mode.The snap is presented to the cluster node - seen by Windows Disk Management and Diskpart The Cluster Management doesn’t see the disk, so I can’t put in maintenance mode The cluster.exe is nolonger available in Server 2016 I need to put the disk in maintenance mode to allow the CV restore to proceedDoes anyone have an exact powershell script or method to finish this process?Is there another way to restore SQL databases to the Cluster Source disk if it was backed up using snapshots???
Hello, I’m trying to restore some files from a Netapp volume in Intellisnap to the drive of a Windows destination. But I receive this failure :Failed to start CVNRDS Process on host xxxNo files are restored
Good morning all I’ve had a strange request from a customer and I don’t know if it can be actioned.We run SQL agent backups on a set schedule and restore DB’s as one normally would. The DBA would like to know if there is a way to take the DB backup we have and restore it as a *.bak flat file. The reason for the request is that disk space on the client is constrained anda *.bak file will be compressed.Thanks in advance. Regards,Mauro
Good morning allI”m using a Plan to configure backup policies, etc.I would like to disable the option to do Incremental backups and only run Fulls. I’ve not been able to do this within the Plan. I need to go into the GUI and disable it in the Schedule.The Plan does update with an ‘invalid data’ error, which isn’t a massive issue. However, I’d prefer to use a Plan setting to disable this. Am I missing something?I’ve attached a copy of my current setting and not made the chante yet.