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Hi,We are going to setup HyperScale X to our customer. As you know they need to create DNS records. Customer said they will do DNS records but they have a question for Active Directory integration. They are using IDM server for adding Linux servers to Windows AD. Question is;Is it possible to add HyperScale X nodes to AD with IDM?
installed intellisnap in one of the media agent , agent installed successfully and job got failed . now all media agents are up but i am not able enable the root account or cvbackupadmin of this media agent and i cannot login to any of the media agent using root but cvbackupadmin is able to login. i am not sure is it caused because intellisnap instllation ,i have attached log if some one can help
Hi, I want to know if there is a procedure when we want to migrate an existing hyperscale X to an existing commserve? Regards
Hi,I just have a question that does Commvault have a sandbox? I want to test restores or disaster recovery without affecting my production environment. I’m using HyperScale X and the version is at 11.28.102 currently.Thank you.
i*m using Hyperscale x nodes that are also Vsaproxyswhen adding a new Fcdisk to the node it will not be discoverd automatically.Is there an option to let discover the Hyperscale node the SAN Disk. ..Chr
Hi,I have found how to change the root password on each hyperscale X node.My question is : if the root password is changed, is there an impact for the backup ?Can i change it without impact ?
we reimaged hyperscale(reference architecure) using iso,unable to get login prompt even after <Alt> + <Ctrl> + <F2> at console level We have 3 nodes,we are able to get login screen on 2 nodes using <Alt> + <Ctrl> + <F2> but on 3rd node,we dont see a login screen we used ctrl+alt+delete on hot keys as well,it doesnot direct to login screen Any suggestions
Hello,We have an hyperscale environment with 3 nodes that works with SFP 10G - we upgraded our network infrastructure Can we just bring the Hyperscale node offline ( replace all SFPs (from the 10G to the 25G SFPs)and it would work? or there is some scripts that need to be run after we replace the SFPs?Best regards,
Hi,I just have a question that, if I want to encrypt my data, I just need to go to System and check the encryption option or I need to do anything else? Thank you.
is it possible to change the network topology after creating the hyperscale x cluster /storage pool
Hello,I am deploying Hyperscale X appliance with 3.2312 image and using Bonded VLAN topology with Management network and all goes ok till network setup phase 5 - it detects all three nodes and shows all correct network setup information and durign cluster validation page it gives error on “unable to obtain reverese lookup hostname for management interface. Unable to obtain 1G management reverse lookup on node….DNS records are already created for comm server registration network and each node is reachable and also storage pool network is reachable. Is any DNS record ot create for management interface as well??error is bit confusing and misleading. Can anyone suggets please?
Hi All. I have a HyperScale 1.5 setup, with HBA cards installed on the nodes to be able to do VSA SAN backups.I have configured the multipath.conf to use round-robin, so the HBA card will utilize both ports on the card I have noticed that even though round-robin have been configured, it seems that only on port is utilized and that the port being used is then being maxed out.Do I miss somewhere in the HyperScale configuration where I can set the multipath setting or does anyone have any suggestions on how to utilize both ports on the HBA in a HyperScale setup? Regards-Anders
This is my 6th or 7th RA deployment and first time I have run into this issue. I ran through the process up setting up the 25G bonded networks (one for DP and one for storage) got the system into the commserve and then went to have it update to the latest version. ran fine for hedvig updating to 4.7.13, but when I went to upgrade from 11.24 which was pre-loaded on the nodes the first server succeeded, but the second hung. It didn’t give me any feed back. I opened a case and have been waiting to get any feedback. I am unable to ssh between nodes now and occasionally can using the DP network. I verified that there is nothing wrong with the network stack. Ping, netstat all is good. The services are up and listening. Firewalls are disabled. I ran a nc -vvv (node name) 22 and it connects but hangs. Connection is not refused, nor terminated at the other end. Commvault on node one shows updated to the latest version but will not communicate with the commserve now. Support says